McDonald's To Open A Restaurant Inside The Louvre

Cool. I'm gonna use my straw to blow vanilla milkshake all over the precious art. What else is there to do in an art gallery?
There's already a Starbucks and Virgin Megastore there so a McDo opening up is not such a big deal.
Golden Arches = Holy Grail?

Can it be a key?

McDonalds serves apples. Some of you know what I'm talking about.
Obviously, the Louvre is looking to diversify it's monetization.
There's also the famous nude statue of Kind David in the Louvre (I was there). Perhaps he could model GAP clothes for a fee?

When in Paris, I was yelled at by a lady for mispronouncing "the Louvre." :frenchman:

they're adding this masterpiece to the collection as well
Even though McDonalds core business is selling shitty food their money and power comes from real estate investing. Mc D's owns some of the most expensive pieces of property in the US... looks like their expanding that empire.

LOL... I was there 2 weeks ago thinking that I'm hungry. Too bad they're only opening in december. BTW: The "black" part of Paris is FULL OF KFC's... now talk about stereotypes but they have them there for some reason. lol