Presale: auction2post plugin - save $$ w/ coupon code! Turn eBay auctions into posts!

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buy it now, get those sites/pages indexed, activate links when ePN comes around ;)

Actually that's not such a bad idea for you guys having problems. Buy a niche deal domain. Create your site built around offering feeds for the best deals that you can find off of xyzwidgets and fill it up with the ebay content. (without links of course) It would be humorous for those epn approvers to see a site filled with Ebay feeds but no links back to ebay. Anyways you'll be ranking for lontail keywords in no time. When you submit your site for approval you can even say I rank #1 for "the xyzwidgets model #29830" Heh.
I did PM Radio about that and wanted a little more insight. Thanks for the response Turbo. I guess that is true about ranking for the keywords. Interesting idea and I think I'm going to jump on it tonight.
Working on my feature list, going to have to pare these down, but thought i would share (these should have probably been in my first post in this thread - but whatever). a2p has come a long way since my original concept. Version 1.0 will be released Monday, get your copy this weekend with the promotional code in the top post (code expires Sunday!). Lifetime upgrades, lifetime support.

Follow turbolapp's advice above and buy it now!

  • Earn more commissions than you thought possible!
  • Instantly create 100's of targeted niche-specific Wordpress posts!
  • eBay auctions are turned into highly customized keyword rich posts!
  • Display full descriptions and all auction images using customizable templates!
  • Create search events that are automatically executed on a schedule you set!
  • Easily create new sites or integrate with your current site!
  • Masked affiliate links eliminates your online footprint!
  • Most customizable, specific search available by any plugin!
  • Target by keyword, category, zip code (localized results!), seller, OVER 25 customizable search settings!
  • auction2post Forums provide strategies, tips, tutorials, and so much more!
  • Unlimited domain license! Use on one or hundreds of sites!
  • Step-by-step video tutorials walk you through every aspect of auction2post!
  • Lifetime upgrades! Free upgrades for the life of the product!
  • Excellent search and post logic - no duplicates!
  • Thousands of FREE Wordpress themes to customize your site!
  • Thousands of FREE Wordpress plugins to help showcase your new posts!
  • Use Capital Case and Sanitize Titles options to clean up auction titles before posting!
  • Include text only descriptions, full HTML descriptions, or set the allowed tags!
  • Set defaults for all aspects of auction2post, increase productivity!
  • Search by ISBN or UPC for specific product results!
  • Easily create templates, placing the full power of the eBay API at your fingertips! No programming knowledge needed!
  • Maintenance tab allows for complete management of auction2post posts! Manage posts, attachments, and auction2post databases with a single click!
  • Preview search and automation events before posting! Quickly skip or block auctions entirely!
  • Create categories on the fly! No need to leave the auction2post admin panel!
  • Copy template and automated searches, tweak, and save - creating similar but unique results!
  • Optional delete expired auction posts setting!
  • All API items returned as custom fields, making them available for theme integration!
  • Excellent pre-sale and post-sale support including forums, chat, voip (phone), & screen sharing if necessary!

Got some good feedback on the site from a few people and I've incorporated those changes. Feel free to PM me anything you think could improve the auction2post sales page (meaning making a better closer).

Thanks! Wickedfire has helped shape this plugin and it's so much more than what it would have been otherwise. Trial by fire... wickedfire.
I don't know about you guys, but I've already made my purchase price back using this bad boy of a wordpress plugin.
I've had the plugin for about a week now and it's pretty amazing. I've already got a couple sites built out and plans for a lot more. It's on track to pay for itself in the next few days.

On another note the support that Radio has provided has been awesome and it looks like this plugin will continue to get better and better in future releases.
Thanks for the nice words guys! :banana_sml:

(like seriously, it ends in an hour!)

Join the 50 other WF members to pull the trigger and pick up THE BEST DAMN eBAY WORDPRESS PLUGIN PERIOD!


a2p will NEVER be this cheap again. You've been warned. Lifetime license, lifetime upgrades, lifetime support - if you are even remotely considering this... NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! I can't stand the idea of you missing out on this...

Day-um! :cool:
jdiesel1987: no way! that's automated?!
radiowf: i know, right! lol!

hahahahaha I KNOW, RIGhT?! NO WAYYY.

i might pick up a copy of this. riiiight about now... maybe. give me a second to check some shit out.

edit: by that, I mean compare it to PHPBay Pro which I've already got. if you can do that for me asap, i'll take you up on it.
phpbay & auction2post are completely different products doing completely different things. they work great in tandem. both can make you money.
Ok. I got the deal on Auction2Post, and hosting from Zensix. So, here's a short review, and I'll be willing to field any questions here, or PM.

I should have wrote a reply sooner, but I struggled with eBay a little bit. Basicially, when I applied for eBay designer, it was instant approval. EPN was a different story. I didn't understand what they were looking for on the website address. I bought a new address for testing with A2P. well, they didn't like that. I had to respond, and ask, and then finally fill out a bad questionaire, and instantly got approved.

So. I'm working with it now.

A2P is awesome. Truely super easy to accomplish what I wanted. I did watch the videos shown earlier while I was setting up the campaign, and it walked me right thru it. Basically, super easy to use, and I would definately recommend it.

Zensix. Well, it's hosting, and does what it should. My account was started on a Sat night, and was live about an hour later. I will admit, I'm on a windows server, which I don't particularly care for, but it's just a preference thing. Not saying one is better then the other, but I've always used linux.

The combo of the two has been great so far.

I'm happy with both, and I've not heard anything bad about either, so they both get glowing recommendations.
Zensix. Well, it's hosting, and does what it should. My account was started on a Sat night, and was live about an hour later. I will admit, I'm on a windows server, which I don't particularly care for, but it's just a preference thing. Not saying one is better then the other, but I've always used linux.

We don't have any windows servers, they all run CentOS Linux.
  • Like
Reactions: dewme5
@dewme: are you confused about the Direct Admin vs. cPanel?

DA is the bomb once you get used to it.


thanks for the reviews, write ups, and extensions/mods!

get in on this while the gettin' is good! lol! a2p buy it here.
current version only works with epn and NOT pjn.

Just a suggestion (and maybe I missed it in the video) but couldn't you have a drop down list which displays the following and on submit save there network via the trackingpartnercode paramater.

2 = Be Free
3 = Affilinet
4 = TradeDoubler
5 = Mediaplex
6 = DoubleClick
7 = Allyes
8 = BJMT
9 = eBay Partner Network

This still may not be able to use with pjn but you can include affiliates from the other sources without limiting to affilaites to EPN since as far as I know epn is now pretty much impossible to join directly (Well thats what I hear anyway)

Also for some added selling features take a day and do up a report and submit it to Compatible Application Check

Probably not a huge deal with the App check since I'm sure your not using your own API when selling it but you can get it in the Solutions directory for doing so (It may look intimidating but I've got a few apps approved and its quite easy).

P.S. Good job on this I've been using the eBay API for awhile now and I like the way you've worked with it.
Aequitas: man, your RealVMS plugin was the inspiration for this plugin! Thanks for the suggestions above. Currently I build the links (carried over from rss solutions), but I'll look at the API to see if there's a better way to have the aff link returned. I had a drop down for EPN or PJN - but since I never heard from either PJN or an affiliate in EPN via PJN I wasn't able to test it - so I removed it. I'll get those added in the next version along with international support.

I'll definitely be submitting to the Compatible Application Check. That will allow me to give people the option of NOT having to apply for a developer id (although i would still recommend it, since I'll be limiting to fewer than 5000 calls per user).

Good job on this I've been using the eBay API for awhile now and I like the way you've worked with it.
That means a lot - I'm beaming and grinning ear to ear right now... thanks! :D </lovefest>


Here's why I actually popped in here...

I finished the a2p v1.0 User Manual and this bitch is a book!

Check it out: a2p v1.0 User Manual

Quick Start Guide for you ADD types, step-by-step directions for the n00bs. Still have the video tutorials as well.
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