auction2post plugin for Wordpress, turn eBay auctions into posts

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shameless bump. but it's working with zensix and i'm pleased about that. no issue w/ zensix hosting btw but with how i was getting data from ebay. hope to have this available for the wf community to review by sunday night. go get ur developer id now.

also, if anyone has a pepperj@m epn acct - would love to chat w/ you about how your aff links are set up. drop me a pm or hit me up on aim radiowf - thanks!

okay... fuck it - beta version is available. aesthetically it has a ways to go... but you can check it out - need some constructive feedback and beta testers to check for bugs (of which there are many).

Click here to download: auction2post 0.0.5 BETA
you need an eBay Developer ID - they are free. Click here to obtain.

there are known bugs and unimplemented features - check the a2p forums for details!

let's not clutter up wf with this conversation. if you decide to download it and need some help or want to report a bug go to the plugin forum: auction2post beta plugin forum

this plugin is encoded with ioncube and expires on May 31st. it will expire in a very ugly fashion (it will cause an error when someone tries to load your blog - so be sure to delete it from your plugins folder by May 31st). sure i could figure out how to make the beta die nicely - but i have more pressing things - specifically a june 1st release date.

people who purchase auction2post will have a lifetime subscription to the software and will include all future updates for free. the price is going to be $79 w/ a nice wf discount for the first two weeks. setting up an affiliate program for the plugin as well. details to follow.

i have been making money with this plugin in it's current fashion since the beginning of the month. download it, check it out, don't judge a book by it's cover, offer up some feedback at the a2p forum, get money, get paid.
this plugin is encoded with ioncube and expires on May 31st. it will expire in a very ugly fashion (it will cause an error when someone tries to load your blog - so be sure to delete it from your plugins folder by May 31st). sure i could figure out how to make the beta die nicely - but i have more pressing things - specifically a june 1st release date.

This plugin has got me excitick (<--as my 7 yr old used to say the word.) I'm this close to downloading the beta. That comment about the ugly expiration does give a girl pause though. Why not make it expire june 15th or something (not sure if this is something you can change now?) that way a) if you don't release it on june first you don't have people with empty blogs going wtf and b) even if you do release it june 1st there will still be some lag time there between the beta and the premium of people having to buy it and install it right?

My other question is about the api is this just a beta testing thing or is everyone who buys the plugin going to need an api id? Not really thinking about myself so much as trying to sell it to the average joe. (not that I'm too far off from that!)

sooo excitick!

EDIT: Nevermind about the beta, looks like your not taking anymore. That's ok I'll just tap my foot, twiddled my thumbs and wait ever so (im)patiently.
thanks for checking in, turbo!

i closed the beta download, because i wasn't getting any feedback and realized that i probably needed to be more specific in my request for BETA testers (help me track bugs) rather than just putting out a BETA version. i see someone else posted a thread asking specifically for BETA testers... think i'll do something similar - a memorial day weekend bug hunt or something - june 1st is fast approaching.

you're right - i probably scared people away with the UGLY expiration. i should have been more clear - it doesn't wipe out the blog, and all posts will remain (if that's what a user wants), it just doesn't add anymore and needs to be deleted. kind of moot right now though.

finally, regarding the ebay api developer id - yep, everyone needs to apply to get one (but they hand them out to every applicant, though I would recommend getting one before buying the plugin). my thought there is someone has already figured out how to apply to either EPN or PJN, applying for another system shouldn't be too challenging. my braindead cousin managed to do it in five minutes, so that makes me pretty confident that the average user can mangage. i agree that it's an extra step, but it's really in the users best interest because then they get up to 5000 calls a day guaranteed. i could try and get the app (or at least my app id) approved for a production licesne which allows for 1.5 million calls a day (then cap api calls from users myself), and that might happen, but for right now it requries everyone to have their own developer id.

after an insane weekend of road tripping and a few days playing catch up, i haven't had much time to spend with this project. looking forward to the long weekend to bang out some serious progress.
is epn going to ban me as soon as I start making some coin with this? Any feedback from eBay yet?
if you're making coin, eBay is making coin. like anything, it depends on how you use it - and we are all aware of epn's seemingly capricious nature of dropping affiliates, though that seemed to be more a broad sweep and hasn't happened since. are you taking a risk - of course. affiliate marketing IS a risk. risk vs. reward - that's for you do decide and for another thread entirely. this is a plugin for those who have decided it's worth the risk. don't want the risk, sell your own product. not trying to be a dick - that's just the nature of the beast.
i've used most of the ebay plugins in the past.
this one looks to have potential.

let us know when the beta/preview/whatever is back up
had to push back the plugin release date two weeks to june 15th. BETA testing went very well and received a bunch of great feedback, now trying to incorporate most of it into the plugin for the version 1.0 release.
Nice plugin.

where can I download this? I went to your website and signed up, but did not get any email back.

also I cannot find the PM link here for some reason.
Nice plugin.

where can I download this? I went to your website and signed up, but did not get any email back.

also I cannot find the PM link here for some reason.

You may not be able to get the free version anymore...dunno.

Like he said he's getting ready to release the premium version on the 15th.
I'd release a preorder price for WF members to help fund the project.

i was actually thinking about this, but considering the downsides i opted against. miss a deadline and you're holding people's money... eek.

speaking of deadlines, i WILL be hitting my june 15th extension deadline and the plugin will be for sale for $79 (with a coupon code for wf members of course!). i quit my job friday, packed up my shit, cleaned the apartment, then spent the last two days moving 700 miles south. nothing is unpacked, but i have the computer set up and will be working on integrating the payment/membership/download/license generation shit over the next week.

i've pulled the free version since it doesn't even remotely reflect a stripped down version of the current plugin - i'll revisit it after i have the premium released (but it will be low on my priorities - it's a marketing tool and there may be more effective ways to market than spending time on a stripped down version of a2p).

thanks everyone who has checked out the thread, tested a version of the plugin, or signed up at
Both Gg and Y! seem to love these sites in terms of SEO, I haven't even activated the all-in-one-SEO plugin on one of them and it went from #5 and #16 (in it's old existance as a static site) for the two main keywords to #3 and #7 in less than a week (Y! rankings, G is lagging behind some).

Now if I could just find a quality EPN account vendor...
11 more days of hell...

My thoughts exactly!! I've been soooo patient and patience is my worst trait! I've only bothered radio maybe ohhhh once an hour for the last 2 weeks!!!

(heh. j/k, I'm not stupid, we've got to let the man work but oooh how many times I've wanted to say "are we there yet?")

EDIT: as for your actual question, steve, he answered it in his last post in this thread.
if it was just a matter of releasing the plugin... grr. you guys are the best. working diligently... at the apt, boxes still unpacked, wearing same clothes as yesterday, coding away.

june 15th guaranteed!
This sounds and looks fantastic, good luck with the rest of the coding and remember to take a shower! Looking forward to purchasing what looks like an excellent addition to some of my phpBay sites.
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