auction2post plugin for Wordpress, turn eBay auctions into posts

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I think the plugin that redirects to a search when a 404 occurs is apache404 or that is the one I use and is good at its job.

I actually stumbled across this via your sig before I found this thread.

Though the Self updating page idea =+1 as a combines amazon and ebay 'shop' page spliced together sounds nice!

Will try and break it and looking forward to the premium
thanks for the tip Donace - will check it out and will consider an autoupdating page.

spent some time last night with pen and paper and mapped much of this out - will spend tonight through sunday coding it up.
I'm a dumbass - took me about 20 min to get it up and running. Works great!

A readme file would've cut my up-and-running time to 5 minutes. I didn't click on the "general settings" for longer than I care to admit....
c'mon - there's a HUGE assumption there... and that is that you would have read the README! lol! ;) free version will get some nice upgrades (and a README) once I finish the premium version.

reworking the entire plugin and how it interacts w/ eBay, where it stores data, and making it more robust. good progress today!
NP radio ;) looking forward to it...Gave it a quick test run and it got a conversion! So yea...sign me up!
Gave it a quick test run and it got a conversion! So yea...sign me up!

that's great! i have this running on a couple test domains as it continues its development - i was surprised to see a couple sales today with the custom id "apidev" - API Development - lol!

spent the day breaking up the main function of the free version into multiple functions. implemented the default search settings and that's pretty sweet. saves having to enter the same parameters every search. also added a search results step that displays all the auctions returned from the query - the next step is to allow pruning of auctions that snuck into the search results.
Any timeline on when this is coming out of beta? How are the automation features coming along?
Last question: Have you settled on a price for the premium version yet?
Ahhhh, just read your blog.. June 1st. Ah, that's a bit long to wait. Maybe I'll have to jump in and become a beta tester.

lots of options, default general settings is nice so you don't have to reenter shit every time. after submitting search, all auctions are returned for you to prune (very crude looking right now), then you hit submit and up to 100 new posts are created for you.

lots of what's listed for premium features have been implemented, just need to clean it up, document it, and test. still looking at june 1st for the release date. will need some beta testers for premium version. will let people know details (terms and conditions) and put a call out for beta testers mid-May.

the store search is cool, but i was really impressed with the product search - enter the isbn and *bam* exact search.

Thanks to everyone who has posted here and for those checking out the free version.
Got this to work with zensix, just used the php.ini file as radio suggested. If you drop it in the domain root, wp-admin, and the root of the plugin, it should work. If not, just put it everywhere. lol.
and you're my fact checking cuz

thanks for looking into that kingofsp - after a quick chat with subigo, i will be implementing a much more secure solution for this that doesn't rely on fopen.

for those who want to try it for the time being on a zensix box - here's what you need in the php.ini file

allow_url_fopen = 1
So the EPN just facepalmed my affiliate application, is this rig gonna work with the pepperjam network or do I need to go buy an account with EPN elsewhere?

Thanks again for the killer plugin.
This will currently only work w/ EPN. Will get more details on the PJN aff program. Looks like I'll just have a setting to change and deliver a different link structure. Thanks for the heads up on this. Apply now to PJ as it takes them a while to do their thing too...
things are going great. weekends are excellent for productivity.

all features from the original list have been completed.

  • Expanded search allowing for every parameter to be defined.
  • Check database to see if post has already been added, don't duplicate.
  • Allow user to set search defaults (maxBids, minBids, postalCode, maxDistance, etc.)
  • [strike]Have a basic search w/ expandable advanced search on Add Auctions page.[/strike]
  • Display all auction results w/ image/price/description before adding posts so user can with one click prune auctions they want eliminated from the auctions to post.
  • Post Templates - stored in the db and user creates or selects pre-saved template, if no template selected default post
  • Create custom searches and have them run automatically, autopopulating your site.
  • Add new, edit, or delete custom automated searches.
  • Expire (delete) posts when auction ends (option)
  • All values retuned by eBay API stored as custom fields so they can be called up by the theme
  • Allow for assigning multiple categories to post
  • Allow for up to 100 posts per individual search
  • Option on sold/expired items that says "sold" but displays several auctions from the same query on current auctions.
  • Delete all a2p posts and delete all a2p expired posts buttons in settings. (for cleaning up if a user decides they no longer want all expired posts to be clogging up their blog).

here's how the auctions are returned to prune or post. post obviously means post the auction, block means don't show me that auction ever again, and skip means to just skip it this time - don't post it, but don't block it.


templates allow for tags to create custom displays of post.


then it goes on to allow for multiple custom field values and keys.

category is coming out of the template and moving into the manual and automation search/post.

June 1st looks like a reasonable target date. That being said... I'm quitting my job the end of May and moving 600 miles south... and of course all the packing, planning, and bullshit that goes along with it. Hope to have demo copies to some beta testers after next weekend and an acceptable manual / guide shortly thereafter.
Fuck, that looks sick. Any progress on teh PepperJam angle, since the PJ rep claimed in that other thread that they're still on board with the EPN?

Can't wait to try and break the new and improved version!
Thanks! Will work w/ Pepperjam. Set it up in the general settings tab. Hoping to add some sick user interface shit - but it's functional for the time being. Pretty crazy, left this thing running over night and it added 25 posts an hour of relevant auctions. Added it to another site of mine - a phpbay site where this is dumping into a relevant "articles" category and would appear to be adding new content regularly while the phpbay side of things continue to look like the "shop".
best. month. ever.

off to my best month ever w/ epn. new sites generating money quickly. not doing any link building or anything beyond putting up the site and letting the plugin run.

doing everything i can to hit the june 1st target. found myself working on trivial shit that maybe 1% of the user base would take advantage of - so prioritized the list and bumped some stuff to Version 2.0 so I can focus on making this rock solid.

Added the ability to either download the images or just hotlink them from eBay. Category is now associated with posting and automation, not with templates. Post tags followed suit. Added some Post Defaults so it's even faster for adding posts and templates. Added a Maintenance tab for deleting posts, attachments, and clearing tables. Automation search as comprehensive as manual search.
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