The final goal of the software is fully automated text randomization


Jan 12, 2022
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The final goal of the software is fully automated text randomization. The aim is to free a user from the randomization process, searching support tools and hiring remote workers.

To date,semiautomatic randomization is released: at first, paste your offer into input box, load proxy and with one button click automatically get five version of your offer. Difference from original ranges from 5% to 85%, depending on text simplicity (readability index): the simpler the text, the more versions you can get. After an automatic reproducing of the offer user can manually finish the text randomization through selecting a text subject to reproducing and randomizing words/phrases by pressing of ctrl+H key combination. Offline database contains more than 1.5 millions of synonyms and more than 100 thousands synonymic phrases, has no equal anywhere in the world!

What is our advantage over analogues?

In any analogue, the public synonyms database is used. So, because of using the same data, despite a lot of no-name program solution, theirs the best thing is just to replace words and make the same one-layer randomization. The most of social net bots detect replacing the words, so the offer can be banned. The process of synonymization must include several layers: at first, randomize an offer, then sentence and words. To understand it just read the article. DeltaTools allows make milliards versions of a text just in 10-15 minutes.
Other important feature is abbreviation randomization. This feature is very useful, for example, for crypto-thematic telegram mass messaging. All who are dealing with crypto-theme work know that bots react such words as "BTC"/"ETH" etc. and how fast can account/offer be banned. Partially, we solved this problem, and the next update will have even more version of abbreviation randomizing.
DeltaTools has more than 40 supporting tools:
“Lists” tab has the following tools:
- deleting the duplicate;
- deleting empty lines;
- deleting list values due to request;
- using stop words for deleting lines from list, or dividing into two lists, one of which has stop words and other has no;
- comparing two lists to detect unique and duplicate values
- combining two lists together
- dividing into two lists due to the next parameters: in half, in one line, using a keyword or symbol
- dividing a text into columns with specifying the column delimiter
- merging lines from column into a text with specifying the delimiter
- sorting in alphabetically order: from A to Z, from Z to A
- mixing lines of a list
- numbering a list
- combining two lists: in alphabetically order or randomly with selecting a register
- searching and replacing one or several values
- adding an prefix/postfix
- changing a register: with a capital letter, with a small letter, in random order
- “Word salad” mode – for making a riddle from a text (random mixing of letters)
- extracting URL from a list
- making bake to front text
- extracting numbers from a text
- changing the gap to carry of a line and back
- delete X-number of symbols at the beginning or at the end
- transliterating into Latin or Russian script

“Mail” tab has following tools:
- parsing e-mails from a websites list
-validating e-mails (deleting e-mails which don’t conform to its format)

“Phones” tab has following tools:
- choosing the numbers format (for now, only RU and UA are available)
- reading and saving numbers from .txt files
- deleting extra symbols
- adjusting numbers to an appropriate format
- deleting illiquid numbers
- dividing double/triple numbers in a line
- deleting the duplicates

“Link builder” tab has following tools:
- building URL (with one million lines limit);

Also, just right now work in progress to bind an automatically filling private neural network, and, probably at the end of February it will be possible not to participate in the randomization process at all.

We half finished the TDS for domain parsing and making redirection with time delay redirection setting, protection from anti-spam bots. TDS Keitaro, Kehr, were taken as a basis. Domains are free until will share stuff in publics. It’s very hard to predict how long it will lasts, but now there is an opportunity to bind your own domain and shop.

In last update from19.01.22 added:
☆ function of subtracting lists one from another
☆ dark theme
☆ English language (synonymization and software language)
☆ supporting public proxy
☆ Abandoned domain parser;
☆ Autoinsertion domains to the ISP|DNS panels.

☆ Sentence synonymization ;
☆ Increased a number of versions;
☆ Animation.

☆ Some bugs in work with lists;
☆ incorrect actions crashing;
☆ synonymization by letter transliterating.

Important info for users and potential purchasers:
☆ Now price is $70, the price monthly increases because of expanding functiona;
☆ Monthly update and support in Telegram client chat;
☆ In line there is adding several paid private self-learning neural nets, one is already in the software;
☆We always listen to our clients, so, if you need more software features – just let us know in the chat;
☆ Free from all who bought full version of TelegramSoft training course;
☆We don’t make tests.
For purchasing contact us through our Telegram channel, also available through the website (bitcoin cash, YOOMONEY, or by a card, pay fee at the site). Well, any guarantee for your money!
*Duration depends on the length of the text, standard offer containing 500-1000 symbols is randomizing during 10-15 minutes.


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DeltaTools v4.6.0

☆ Image randomizer - the ability to overlay png on an image;
☆ Image randomizer - fine-tuning metadata generation.

☆ Image randomizer - speed of image processing.

☆ Text randomizer - stability of the paraphraser;
☆ Image randomizer - stability of image randomization.

�� DeltaTools v4.9.4


☆ Text randomizer - paraphrase selected text;
☆ Text randomizer - Ability to extract the 5 most unique options from the text.


☆ Text randomizer - a bug with searching and replacing synonyms.



Facebook Ad Account Rental Service

• Spend < $1,000 → Fee 6.5%
• Spend < $2,000 → Fee 6%
• Spend < $3,000 → Fee 5.5%
• Spend < $5,000 → Fee 5%
• Spend $5,000 - $24,999 → Fee 4.5%
• Spend $25,000 - $49,999 → Fee 4%
• Spend $50,000 - $99,999 → Fee 3.5%
• Spend $100,000+ → Fee 3%

✅ If your budget is stable and consistent, we can offer a fixed fee for easier tracking and reconciliation.
✅ 0% fee for the first 3 days of testing.

Telegram: @pphuong0101