[HELP] Google Adwords ads dissapear after some time


New member
Aug 17, 2013
I have my first experiences with Google Adwords, I'm getting into PPC because I know the profits I can get from.

However the first time is tricky...

I have created some campaigns and after awhile they seem like frozen or banned. I setup everything and I tried to verify the serps for the keywords I target, at first my ad showed up for some of the important keywords, played a little bit with the bid and I saw the listing go up in the top ad listings but after a while (10 mins or 20-30 impressions) I wasn't able to see it. I played with the bids and couldn't get it to show up again. After that I've created new campaigns to test with some other keywords and the same, it showed up but after some time it got wipped out.

Thought it's because of some frequency capping settings I did but no. Played with the bids and it doesn't seem to be from there either.

I'm wondering, due to the account being new maybe campaigns show for awhile at the top but then they get flagged and the ads dissapear.

Tried to view my ads from 2 different PCs, checked to see if the IPs is in the targeted city location and it is so it's not this issue either.

The budget is fine too, there is no traffic showing in analytics so it's obviously there are no clicks.

I have a lot of testings to do anyway.

Thanks for any inputs.

You've posted a very broad post, and you sound naive as hell. Including what category you're pushing and the age of the campaign, and the length of time it takes for the traffic to stop running would be useful information.

As for diagnosing your ads not triggering for your keywords - Log into adwords web interface > campaign > keywords > details > keyword diagnosis

What did the diagnosis tell you?

That was definetely helpful, dunno how I've missed that. Been too focused on setting the campaigns and I was checking my top ad ranking by using a laptop with a different internet connection, that's how much of a noob :crap:.

Just checked the analytics and I got 31 unique visitors from this small very targeted niche I'm going for. It's pretty good I guess but I have no idea how much of the budget is spent due to Adwords taking a lot of hours to update, so it's strange and I need some patience for the next tests.

Overall it's pretty interesting, it reminds me of when I discovered SEO, a lot of things to learn but overall seems simple (it's a trap lol).
Just found out my competitior is using a longer headline hence I suspect he is paying lower on the bid and ranking higher because of relevancy. It's 3 characters over the limit offered by Google.

Might be Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

Are there any special Adwords accounts that allow longer headlines?

Yes, DKI allows you to exceed the 25 char limit, and I believe is the only way you can accomplish a longer headline.

It's a very small part of the overall system. With a newer account, my focus is usually on CTR and conversion rate.

Having tight ad groups + qualified keywords + well-written ads that address the search query, convey your features/benefits combined with a call to action will significantly impact your CTR and will help build good account history, which will help your long term QS (and directly impact your CPC).

Basic account structure is where many costly mistakes are made in accounts I've taken over. If you're using broad keywords look into enhanced broad, and make sure you're using an extremely detailed list of negative keywords (another mistake I see often).
Fucking crap... Some bad cache plugin settings made the homepage show 404. I just found out this recently after I got some good amount of clicks.

At first it was damn strange why the traffic isn't converting, now that I found this thing it's so relieving...

Lesson to learn: if you send your traffic to a 404 page you won't make any conversions. Lol
Lesson to learn: if you send your traffic to a 404 page you won't make any conversions. Lol

Improve your 404 page. I'm not kidding.

Also, be careful with campaign budgeting. Google will change their rules and fuck you hard if you don't pay attention. Their current direction is to keep giving advertisers less control and less targeting options.

For instance, you can no longer exclude mobile traffic in a lot of cases, even if you can't profit from it. They run a black box system to take advantage of the "winner's curse," and I'm almost certain they have algorithms to squeeze the most money out of each individual advertiser. They're google. They know how to parse and use data like few others, and I have no doubts they will use it to extract money from you.