|| Normal Price: 3000-5000/min | Your Price: 1000-2000

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Eating Lentils
Aug 28, 2009
Rating - 100%
12   0   0

Price: 1000-2000/minute
Turnaround: 2-4 weeks


-Full production; from research to script, storyboard, design and animation.
-Conversions increase guarantee; or your money back.
-Personal project managers, direct communication with team + FAST responses/updates
-Tons of savings over buying off the site (roughly 50-75%)

Examples Below


You want mad discounts on a proven service?

Check out some of the testimonials from WickedFire members in my other threads.

Or just take a look at my +11 iTrader, on a credible 3 year account with over 400 posts. (haha).

But srsly. You've got an offer, and I'll help you explain it.

I could get into the details of this service, but take my word for it - we're legit.

You get project managers, 3-4 creatives, sales writers, a systematic process, fast communication and all that jazz which makes you giddy inside.

Best of all?

Instead of paying 3-5k onsite (and yes, I sell for these prices), you're getting it for 1.5-2k (and yes, I also sell for these)

So what are you paying for? The full deal, from concepting to creation to delivery.

What do these vids look like?


^those videos start from 1.5k-2k per minute


^these videos start from 1k per minute (perfect for you cheap bastards :D)

If you have any questions feel free to hop on skype; koncorps or email me koncorps(at)gmail(dot)com

Also, barters for other services/products will at the very least be considered, so don't hesitate.


Minimum length requirement?

There is no minimum persay.

I'll do a 10 second video, 30 seconds, 45.

The real question is whether or not you can get your offer across in that amount of time?

You're looking at 150 words in a minute, which is all ready tight. If you wanna take it down further, your offer either has to be really simple, or you just want a teaser video to get curiosity.

So, no minimum length, but most offers simply can't be explained in under a minute or two, at least not if you want to

-iterate their problem
-present your solution
-talk about your competitive advantage
-give a strong CTA which makes sense

Let me know if you have more questions :D
What is your "proven" experience with sales scripts & what images/video/typography works?

The videos look great but real numbers are the only thing that counts.

You are asking high prices & I would need some conversion proof on your videos before getting anywhere near ordering a video from you.

Their is a lot more to conversions then good looking videos.

Do you provide result based contracts?
Really love your post.

Right now we are creating a bunch of marketing material, all to talk about exactly what you've discussed "proof".

Client testimonials and analytics.

I agree that the #'s are the most important, so here's a screenshot of what one of our videos did for, 2.1% increase.

Nothing huge, nothing out of this world, but if you're pushing enough traffic, 2.1% can make a WORLD of difference for you.

It's a real, tangible increase that you can get with my videos.


I've got a few more I might be able to share, however it might take a day or two.

In the meantime email me (konstantin(at) and I can put you in touch with previous clients.

Now the second part of your post "you are asking high prices".

Honestly, for what this service is, I'd say it's quite cheap. My real competition and market is in a higher range.

You're getting the service very heavily discounted here. Yet you're still getting the full works i.e "conversions increase guarantee" + high quality style.

The prices on site aren't just 'for show' to make these ones look more discounted.

In terms of the contract. Fuck yes. If you're serious about split testing and have your shit set up, I would be HONORED to make you a video GUARANTEED to increase your conversions.

Tell me about your market, demographic and offer ... and have these criteria met below, and I would be willing to sign a contract.

  • Do you have at least 10k visitors per month? (steady over last 6 months minimum?)
  • Are you willing to spend 4-6 weeks making a video, and up to another 8 split testing it? (so that I have time to analyze/fix the video to convert in your market?)
  • Is your page all ready optimized and converting well? Do you all ready know your market? (how much information can you give me to start from)
  • Whether you have a clear conversion rate based off 6 months of traffic, so we know what I am trying to increase.
Bottomline is, yes I will sign it, but only upon further examination of what a contract with you entails.

No guarantees on who I accept or not though, that's my "risk" to take.

Hope that sheds a bit of light on your question, I will get some more testimonials up in this bitch. Thanks for the kick in the ass on that.

Much appreciated.

What is your "proven" experience with sales scripts & what images/video/typography works?

The videos look great but real numbers are the only thing that counts.

You are asking high prices & I would need some conversion proof on your videos before getting anywhere near ordering a video from you.

Their is a lot more to conversions then good looking videos.

Do you provide result based contracts?
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