Facebook seo

How do you feel about the possibility of a facebook search engine

  • mo money

    Votes: 59 58.4%
  • mo problems

    Votes: 31 30.7%
  • Scared

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters

can't wait for the day that this happens.

Google is the most retarded outdated peice of crap ever.

1. Authority based on backlinks? Sure back in 2000 when everyone was blogging backlinks could determine a sites buzz and popularity, it's 2011 now, the general population don't blog they use Facebook...

Sooo... you don't have a blog integrated into your web site? Cus it's 2011 now, you should just integrate FB instead.
Will fail just like Google 1+ did in comparison to Facebook. Certain sites should just stay within their niche.
Facebook has just started their advertising venture. Google always stands ahead in both advertisement and search engine. FB is no match for it.
. Just like their app.
wow! thats awesome

we will get traffic now from more search engines, lol

There is opportunity hidden in every crisis :D

This isn't correct.

Any Facebook searches will be replacing Google searches. There will be no more just because a new search engine exists. People will use one or the other, not both.

Basically, you will have to game two systems, just to stay where you are currently with Google.

Not good.

At the end of the day though. Its never going to happen. Google is the one and will always be the one, just like Ebay, Paypal, Amazon and all the other major brands, just due to the fact they already have it down now. Anyone new to the game is already 10 years behind. Just another case of greed clouding judgement.
Nah, I highly doubt FB will enter the Search Engine market. They cant beat Google at that game. Instead, I bet they'd be more aggressive in entering the mobile market.
Nothing is impossible but It takes a long time to compete the Google engine, well but i believe that new ideas creates a new way