The shit religion of peace ... part ? [NSFL]

Let me throw something out there.

The fundamentalists are the only TRUE believers. Christianity is full of the same bullshit murderous rules as the Koran i.e. murdering, stoning, treating women like slaves etc. It's just that most of the other so called religious people do not REALLY believe the supposed word of their God and shape their "belief" into whatever makes them to feel better about themselves and convince themselves that they are good people going to the heaven of their choosing.

The same as the islamic fundamentalists can be said about the Westbro Baptist church, at least they live their lives really taking the word of their god seriously.

As an atheist I oppose everything religion (really) stands for, but I have to have more respect for those that REALLY believe and live and die for the word of their gods. Everyone else are just hypocritical.

Regarding the no-white zones. No, it is not bullshit. I can't persuade you if you choose not to listen but consider the evidence. For example the rise of the English Defence League, the grooming of under-age white girls by muslims (some court trials recently completed, everyone guilty, more trials on-going)
Catholic sex abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the public policy of police non interference in certain districts due to race fears
[ame=""]Neo-Nazi Vigilantes Patrolling Border - YouTube[/ame]

the acceptance and establishment of sharia courts in the UK to rule on civil matters (when parties agree to abide by them, but of course, the women don't have a say in the matter)
Erm.. Yes they do. I'm pretty sure a UK government-operated court isn't gonna uphold the decision of a Sharia court if the woman doesn't want to be a part of it.

honor killings in England
Real Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the bullshit list goes on. You don't have to believe it, you have freedom of choice to think what you like (unlike in Saudi or Iran for example).
Press Freedom Index 2011-2012 - Reporters Without Borders
Worst country for Freedom of Press in the world = Eritrea. 62.5% Christian.

In Islamic states, such laws are based on the word of God and cannot be changed, only interpreted.
Yes they can. It's a problem with the State, not the religion.

Or to put it another way, would you rather live in the USA or under am Islamic Theocracy? Don't answer ... just consider.
Apples and oranges. Would you prefer to live in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (a Christian country) or Turkey?
I refer you to my reply to pewep.

One thing though, Christians will argue that they are free from the old testament bullshit because they are under a new covenant. I disagree, they are stuck with their angry desert god and cannot squirm their way out of it.
Yep, Jesus very specifically says that he has come to uphold the law, not abolish it. Even if we look at the New Testament, that still includes the bit about how you should give anyone whatever they ask for, and not ask for or expect it back.
Fucking idiots

If we aren't killong eachother in the name of religion, then we do so in the name of politics, and once we get past that it will be in the name of science and reason.

you under estimate the depth of the human condition and our propensity to push our world view an moral certainties on to others with violence.

Religion, Politics, or lack thereof... it's all ripe for "killing in the name of" ... this whole "religion is evil" makes you so DerP
Of cours everyone hate atheist they are ficking pieces of shit god Dan. Most of them I mean come fuck on. Noooooo they don't want to here about god or anything like always which I don't even mention but they shove all they're god damn fake reasoning and believes down my throat with this god damn god complexity then are the biggest fucking Hippocrates when you even mention baby Jesus. IMO most atheists should be castrated. Few are cool but god damn fuckig atheist I don't wanna hear your shot you fcking bottomfeeding hipster daggot I will pissnon your family jewels cunt

meth's a hell of a drug.
Fucking idiots

If we aren't killong eachother in the name of religion, then we do so in the name of politics, and once we get past that it will be in the name of science and reason.

you under estimate the depth of the human condition and our propensity to push our world view an moral certainties on to others with violence.

Religion, Politics, or lack thereof... it's all ripe for "killing in the name of" ... this whole "religion is evil" makes you so DerP


Hate is no good, whatever be the driver of hate. Take a deep breath. Think. Does anyone win in a hate war?
^ I think what is even scarier than hate is moral certainty... "I don't hate you, I just have to kill you because it's what's best for the world. It's dirty work but someone has to do it..."
^ I think what is even scarier than hate is moral certainty... "I don't hate you, I just have to kill you because it's what's best for the world. It's dirty work but someone has to do it..."

Extreme version of hate?

I dunno much... just that "not hating" is more pleasurable than hating.. both for short and long term. I try to not hate.. You guys too give it a go, I think you'll feel much better :(
THANK YOU JOE, jesus fucking christ - i wish people would stop throwing stones at islam and take a nice good look at christianity first. in my opinions, all religions are junk and if you don't like that, tough shit. you're no better than they are, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise.
I dunno much... just that "not hating" is more pleasurable than hating.. both for short and long term. I try to not hate.. You guys too give it a go, I think you'll feel much better :(

Ya man... I hear ya...

I know I'm going to get roasted for this... but Love is the answer. It's the main thing that really helps you to see things more clearly and understand deeply. More so even than reason.

Of course Reason is indispensible... But it's like the prime minister, with Love as its King.
Of cours everyone hate atheist they are ficking pieces of shit god Dan. Most of them I mean come fuck on. Noooooo they don't want to here about god or anything like always which I don't even mention but they shove all they're god damn fake reasoning and believes down my throat with this god damn god complexity then are the biggest fucking Hippocrates when you even mention baby Jesus. IMO most atheists should be castrated. Few are cool but god damn fuckig atheist I don't wanna hear your shot you fcking bottomfeeding hipster daggot I will pissnon your family jewels cunt

I wanted to get a full story on this yesterday, did a little research. I guess the guy converted to Christianity and wouldn't renounce his decision, so they killed him for it. I think that's why he looks strangely calm, because he made the decision and knew he'd die for it.

This was aired on Egyptian TV. I wondered what the television host was saying. Here's some of it:

Tawfiq Okasha, the host, asked: "Is this Islam? Does Islam call for this? How is Islam related to this matter?…These are the images that are disseminated throughout the electronic media in Europe and America…. Can you imagine?" Then, in reference to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis, whose political influence has grown tremendously, he asked, "How are such people supposed to govern?"
From what I've read thus far about it, Islamic legal manuals make leaving or converting from Islam a capital punishment by death. Kind of like the Mafia.

There's still a lot of OG's across the water that play by the book when it comes to their religion.

Obviously, westernized Muslims are a totally different story and it's impossible to paint a religion of billions of people with a broad stroke.

Moral of the story: religion can be a real bummer sometimes.
Of cours everyone hate atheist they are ficking pieces of shit god Dan. Most of them I mean come fuck on. Noooooo they don't want to here about god or anything like always which I don't even mention but they shove all they're god damn fake reasoning and believes down my throat with this god damn god complexity then are the biggest fucking Hippocrates when you even mention baby Jesus. IMO most atheists should be castrated. Few are cool but god damn fuckig atheist I don't wanna hear your shot you fcking bottomfeeding hipster daggot I will pissnon your family jewels cunt

nigga, are you drunk?
Fucking idiots

If we aren't killong eachother in the name of religion, then we do so in the name of politics, and once we get past that it will be in the name of science and reason.

you under estimate the depth of the human condition and our propensity to push our world view an moral certainties on to others with violence.

Religion, Politics, or lack thereof... it's all ripe for "killing in the name of" ... this whole "religion is evil" makes you so DerP

Humans are extremely territorial creatures, and in their current evolutionary state will never stop killing each other. Nothing can just be, every single squire foot of this planet has been claimed by someone.
you have freedom of choice to think what you like (unlike in Saudi or Iran for example).

Jews and Christians have guaranteed spots in Iran's Parliament.


Saint Mary Park, Tehran Iran

Tehran has 8 million people, mostly Muslims. So if just 1 in a million were determined to damage this statue, that would be 8 people total. Apparently nobody tries to do that though, for whatever reason.

There are over 600 Christian churches in Iran. The one pictured is over 400 years old. It would be a shame if a bomb dropped by the USA ends up destroying it.
No, I'm not friends with any 'muslims', but of course I've known and met many and if they're cool people it's usually despite being muslims.

Your wife's parents are obviously not real muslims in the eyes of their imam if they accept it, but maybe it's different in the US. In Europe, no muslims marry non-muslims, it's close to zero.

I live in Europe (UK), not the US. And I know several guys who have married muslim girls, and some muslim guys who have married white girls. Yes, there are some (mainly Pakistani) families who are really strict, but these tend to be people from poorer backgrounds.

I give you personal experience that refutes your position, and all you can come back with is general denial. You're talking utter bollocks based on ignorant prejudice.
Let me throw something out there.

The fundamentalists are the only TRUE believers. Christianity is full of the same bullshit murderous rules as the Koran i.e. murdering, stoning, treating women like slaves etc. It's just that most of the other so called religious people do not REALLY believe the supposed word of their God and shape their "belief" into whatever makes them to feel better about themselves and convince themselves that they are good people going to the heaven of their choosing.

The same as the islamic fundamentalists can be said about the Westbro Baptist church, at least they live their lives really taking the word of their god seriously.

As an atheist I oppose everything religion (really) stands for, but I have to have more respect for those that REALLY believe and live and die for the word of their gods. Everyone else are just hypocritical.

Notice you said Christianity and not Old Testament or Bible worshipper. Christ supposedly said "you have been told an eye for eye, but I tell you..."

Various humans, none of them Christ, wrote various things during different time periods. And then later on some other people decided to combine those into something they decided to call the Bible. Christ walking around in the middle of that doesn't mean he agrees with all the selected writings.
Notice you said Christianity and not Old Testament or Bible worshipper. Christ supposedly said "you have been told an eye for eye, but I tell you..."

Various humans, none of them Christ, wrote various things during different time periods. And then later on some other people decided to combine those into something they decided to call the Bible. Christ walking around in the middle of that doesn't mean he agrees with all the selected writings.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
Notice you said Christianity and not Old Testament or Bible worshipper. Christ supposedly said "you have been told an eye for eye, but I tell you..."

Various humans, none of them Christ, wrote various things during different time periods. And then later on some other people decided to combine those into something they decided to call the Bible. Christ walking around in the middle of that doesn't mean he agrees with all the selected writings.

It's the same thing in almost all religions that follow on from the old testament, Christianity is no exception. Jesus supposedly indicated that the infallible God changed his mind (???). Why did God hate gays so much before, but now loves everyone?

It's easy to explain why, it's all bullshit made-up crap to enslave the masses. And guess what, it worked perfectly.