It's Saturday and I'm cranky. Ban Party!!

This guy has resurrected every old "what shopping cart to use?" thread to (presumably) plug his own product...

Shopping Cart Spam6 has been banished

I've had one banned before also. They keep respawning. Here's the latest incarnation jodomo
20 posts of nothing but his tracking pixel/hostgator cookie or whatever it is.

Someone beat me to it. :D
Nuff said:


No affiliate network promotion without prior written consent from Jon. Pretty sure that's what the Rules of Engagement say.

Oh yeah, banned.

This dunce. Joined July 2011, has 5 posts, and tears into the OP like he has been here forever just because the OP wants to sell an e-book in an e-mail campaign.

I agree, that was way over the top. Gone. Maybe he'll come back a little calmer. Somehow, I doubt it.