Apple Strikes Again


New member
Jul 18, 2009
White iPhone Kit Could Land Queens Teen in Jail


Fei Lam, a high school senior and gadget geek from Queens, managed to make the right friends at Foxconn, the company that manufactures the iPhone for Apple. While the Cupertino crew can't seem to get the white model out the door, Lam apparently scored enough of the parts to sell conversion kits that turn boring ol' black iPhone 4s into stunning white versions. Through his site, he has sold more than $130,000 worth of kits, enough to put himself through college. The only problem? Lam's college career might just have to wait, as a private investigation firm that deals with counterfeiting and trademark violations has recently accused him of selling stolen goods.

Lam believes the letter he received is an empty threat and simply an attempt to scare him out of business. The teen intends to continue selling the kits, but he's still planning on getting a lawyer -- just in case. (The legal repercussions for selling stolen goods can be quite harsh, as one might imagine.) The New York Observer points out that a Kansan woman convicted of selling stolen goods on eBay earlier this year is currently facing $250,000 in fines and up to five years in jail. So Lam had better be careful, or he'll lose that precious tuition fund, and might end up being the oldest incoming freshman after he's finally able to enroll in 2016.

White iPhone Kit Could Land Queens Teen in Jail

They don't even have a case.

Guy is selling goods he bought somewhere else - biz as usual.

They might bag him for using trademarked logos or somesuch.. but..not for selling the kits.

I haven't been able to figure out why Apple is allowing him to sell their products that are being made for them. Why does foxcom have the right to sell iphone parts.
There was a reason why Apple decided to terminate the white cases for iPhones. Anyone that thinks it's wise to put the conversion kit on enjoys crippling their devices.
The article references a woman convicted of selling stolen goods on eBay.

I don't see the connection, as this kid doesn't seem to be selling stolen goods.
It looks like he purchased the white kits he is selling from Foxcom, the manufacturer.

Now, perhaps the manufacturer had an agreement with Apple, not to sell the white kits to another party...but if so, wouldn't that be between Apple and Foxcom?
You've got to give this kid credit for creativity. He saw a need and filled it. I can't imagine how this will turn out. Can they really prove he did anything wrong?
Ya I herd about this. Way to go Steve Jobs....were is iGas anyways? Point being hes technically just selling a "case" that makes your iPhone look white, especially since the delay of the actual white iPhone 4 I do not see the problem and he made some good money.