Zlomuni's Journal


Sep 7, 2012
I'm lazy.

No, I'm laziness person on the world.

My last touch with IM was around 2002-2004 with CJ and few sites which died by them self. After that I owned a hosting company which I sold to competition few years later. And from this point I become very very lazy.
So about IM this mean that I'm on ground zero/know nothing.

I've joined WF as I wanted to return to IM. But I'm lazy...

I even already ordered and received 25 articles from WF BST and eLance. And ... instead of doing my project I'm skiing.

BUT I want to change that. I want to become more serious person.
So today I promise my self to start writing code/working on my project at least 4 hours a day, at least 4-5 days a week. Will update this thread for motivation.

P.S. If you even read it - you know that English is not my mother language :)

I'm lazy.

No, I'm laziness person on the world.

My last touch with IM was around 2002-2004 with CJ and few sites which died by them self. After that I owned a hosting company which I sold to competition few years later. And from this point I become very very lazy.
So about IM this mean that I'm on ground zero/know nothing.

I've joined WF as I wanted to return to IM. But I'm lazy...

I even already ordered and received 25 articles from WF BST and eLance. And ... instead of doing my project I'm skiing.

BUT I want to change that. I want to become more serious person.
So today I promise my self to start writing code/working on my project at least 4 hours a day, at least 4-5 days a week. Will update this thread for motivation.

P.S. If you even read it - you know that English is not my mother language :)

Create an "Ask Me Anything" thread on how to make a living being the laziest person in the world.

Congratulations on deciding to be less lazy! Subscribed!

Though before you start check out this awesome fail video


I've started to have panic attacks just before clicking a link that you post, or just seeing a post of yours in general - but fortunately this video is ok.
Congratulations on deciding to be less lazy! Subscribed!

Though before you start check out this awesome fail video


Thanks :) Watched.

Create an "Ask Me Anything" thread on how to make a living being the laziest person in the world.

It's not that hard when you have some money aside.
But at one point I found myself doing nothing and money on depletion.
If I don't go on track now, after few months will be another thread like SkyFire's Returning to Financial Awesomeness // Which I follow with great fascination, incl the Tumblog.
And I find IM to be very interesting. Also love to do new things to me. (As my knowledge about IM now is at ground zero or close, before 2004 doesn't count at all)

I've started to have panic attacks just before clicking a link that you post, or just seeing a post of yours in general - but fortunately this video is ok.

After registered to WF I clicked on a lot dickrolls before start looking at links URL's
That's your problem right there, if you want to become less lazy you better block youtube and other sites you tend to procrastinate on.

Point really taken.

I recommend the Chrome extension StayFocused for this. You can set it to allow you x minutes on time-wasting website per day until you wean yourself off them completely. I've found it very helpful.


Tried. Tempted to turn it off after 2-3 days.

ColdTurkey's probably better, it blocks the sites no matter what browser you're in, and if you try to get round it, it blocks your internet for a week.

Downloaded 10 min ago :)


But even without Cold Turkey i've finally start working.
Yesterday I decide on which projects exactly I want to work for start

As I want to make few experiment on gaining traffic and different strategies on managing sites, I will start with 2x2+1 similar projects.

1a. Mobile bingo aff site -> bingo + word .mobi domain registered, bought theme from Themeforest. Start editing the theme. There will be mainly bingo sites which have mobile client/platform.

1b. "Regular" bingo aff site -> free + bingo + word .com domain registered, bought theme from Themeforest. Start editing the theme.

Also registered to 12 bingo rooms Aff programs, waiting for approvals, 2 appr already received.

2a. Hosting directory -> word + hosting .com domain
2b. Hosting coupons -> word + host .com domain
2c. Clould hosting aff -> cloud + word .com domain.

Also bought themes for all of them from Themeforest and start editing.
And registered to 'biggest' host companies aff programs.

I do not have articles only for 2c /cloud hosting/. For all others already have content. And after receive all aff approvals and finish editing the themes will put them live.

Today will continue with writing code, choosing some stock photos for bingo's backgrounds, make list of long tails, do some more keyword research, etc.

I've actually feel much more satisfied when I do something useful :eatmousepointer:

All the best
Sunday was day off.

But today I'm back on track.

- Finished coding and theme integrating of site 1b Normal Bingo review site.
- Articles integrated, background chosen.
- Site is LIVE! :D

Now will start thinking how to get some gambling traffic and do some link building.
Meanwhile will continue to work on other sites.

All the best
Another working day - feel better and better doing something :)

For 1b:

- Made FB, Twitter and G+ accounts
- Made new logo, the old one was just a template to make site live.
- Made fav ico and apple ico's for mobile/respond
- Reduces quality of few images to optimize it for speed, all do this kind of sites are usually very ... colorful
- Register with GPWA
- Added Privacy. TOS, Site-map // they was templates just for launching
- Registered with G Webmasters Tools
- Added Analytic
- Added Mailchimp
- Registered with 8 more bingo rooms. I'm planning to add at least 1 room/day. And there is a room of the week.

For others sites - wrote some code.

About conversions - I think that Mailchimp and real twitter users will be the gold mine. As I plan to send once a week mail and tweet about all new promos/bonuses/special offers.

And ...

Do you think it's a good idea to buy few /100-200/ FB fans and few twitter followers as account stand ugly when they are empty? Just for beginning?

And could you suggest me a site to hire VA for simple tasks like - checking twice a week all listed bingo rooms and mark to me where there are expired promotions, new promotions, stuff like that?
As I have 2 VAs helping me on other projects /not so web related/ but I'm not satisfied with them.

All the best
Do you think it's a good idea to buy few /100-200/ FB fans and few twitter followers as account stand ugly when they are empty? Just for beginning?

I've personally been dripping 5-10 followers/likes a day. IMO it would look pretty dodgy if someone went from 0 to 200 fans in a day and then none the next day.
I agree. I make 3-10 posts on twitter a day and I average roughly 10 followers a day weekday, up to 25 a day on weekends. doesn't take long and it snowballs to 5x that. all it takes is a couple RTs from a huge account and you get a spike of maybe 100 in a day.

also, when you start monitoring the clicks to your landing page, you'll know it's a much more organic following, and you can expect much more real results. imo.
Yesterday was day off.
Today will work at least 7 hours.

I've personally been dripping 5-10 followers/likes a day. IMO it would look pretty dodgy if someone went from 0 to 200 fans in a day and then none the next day.

I agree. I make 3-10 posts on twitter a day and I average roughly 10 followers a day weekday, up to 25 a day on weekends. doesn't take long and it snowballs to 5x that. all it takes is a couple RTs from a huge account and you get a spike of maybe 100 in a day.

also, when you start monitoring the clicks to your landing page, you'll know it's a much more organic following, and you can expect much more real results. imo.

Start doing this. I know it's not real from 0-200 and then nothing.

So why did you become so lazy? Did you get bought out for a few million or what?

Something like that. In my country you do not need millions. And I've never look at the money as a goal of my live. They are just necessary for things I love like traveling, camping, skiing, etc.

Also I love solving problems and give a food to my brain, but I get very bored when I realize that I'm capable of doing/solving something.

All the best
Hello and Happy New Year :)

Here is a recap of last 15 days.

I drank a lot and worked a lot :)

Sucesfully ran 1a. Mobile Bingo and decided to ran another bingo site 1c. Simple/Almost one page bingo site only with banners and links. So now I have 3 bingo review sites with diff content, diff target groups and diff approach for them.

The user behavior on normal and "one page" review sites is almost the same. Almost no body click to read the reviews on normal site. But the difference is that on reviews I put a lot of longtails and there is also few articles with longtails.

After I have the 3 sites running, I outsourced the linkbuilding, manual and paying only for approved:
- Forum posts, random 0 to 9 per site per day
- Blog comments, random 0 to 15 per site per day
- Yahoo answers, random 0 to 5 per site per day

- Adding from 0 to 20 per site per day fb and twiter followers

Now all the three sites are indexed, but still receiving only 0 to 10-20 visitors per day from organic.

Also bought 2 expired domains per site to test what will traffic do. One on general subject, but with more traffic and one on gamlbing, but with less traffic.

Here are money spend/received for December:


- 116$ for themes on Themeforest (2+1 wordpress themes for bingo + hosting coupons and 1 HTML templ for bingo)
- 260$ for outsourcing - articles, links, some info checks, etc.
- 5$ hosting
- 165$ for domains.
- 25$ fiverr for 5x logos, still waiting them // sixthcutuan - thank you for fiverr link :)
- A lot of my time

Total: -571$


17 convertions on 5 bingo sites:
- 45 euro + 30 pounds from CPA
- 49,25 euro + 22,82 pounds from Rev Share.

Total: ~277$

Also tbh my goal is not to invent the hot water.
So I read/follow almost all of the active journals here and copying whatever I find for valuable/interesting.
For example sixthcutuan's Building from broke thread is valuable for me as he describe in details what he did/will do. Like improving diff things/pages and so on, like fiverr's logo link, So Thanks :) Also reading more advanced stuff like CCarter's threads, so Thanks you too :)

And I guess I will update on weekly/bi-weekly schedule.
But I want to share that I'm very very happy to see how I make something and it's working, and start bringing some money.

Also will try to write a thread about how I create navigation and page struction. Point will be to receive some ideas and also somebody could find it usefull.

All the best
So I read/follow almost all of the active journals here and copying whatever I find for valuable/interesting.
For example sixthcutuan's Building from broke thread is valuable for me as he describe in details what he did/will do. Like improving diff things/pages and so on, like fiverr's logo link, So Thanks :) Also reading more advanced stuff like CCarter's threads, so Thanks you too :)

All credit for that fiverr link goes to Louey's journal. Thanks though, my aim originally was to document pretty much everything I did because it's often the small things that people forget or have trouble with. I haven't kept up with it as much as I would have liked to and I've had no success so far but I'll try to keep updating it every couple of days at least.

Congrats on the sales. Doing better than me already ;)
Good to see some revenue. How you going to re-invest it?

Amm ... re-invest is not exactly what I plan to do.
My plan is to make /and I'm working on it/ much more other "free" sites as for free bets, free casino money, hosting promos and so on.
And outsource everything not so important like link building, browsing aff sites regularly for new promos, etc.
Also these money are not in my account yet. I prefer to gather larger amount of moneys and withdraw via bank transfer instead of PayPal or similar.

All credit for that fiverr link goes to Louey's journal.

Congrats on the sales. Doing better than me already ;)

Thank's but they are not exactly sales. They are traffic conversion into bingo players. Diff is that most of them are on revenue share for live.

All the best
There's been a while.

So I made a list of how I start making sites.
And I'm continuing to make site after site mostly on gambling niche.
I actually print this shit on a paper for every site and use green maker for check marks.
And as my goal is not to invent the hot water, the list is made after reading a lof of Case Studies, Journals and thread here at WF. Almost of the content is copied from other threads, but I systematize it to be most useful for me:


- Get/Buy *responsive* Theme, modify it, choose related background, check emp's Free, lightweight, responsive Wordpress themes
- Fiverr - Logo /fiverr gig/, fav ico, social 64x64 brand based icons, gravatar for comments
-- Optimise/Compress all images

- Determinate what text to use as top navigation links.
- Buy/Write Content
---- Caption under the photos
---- Interlinking + Authority outbound linking!

- 404, TOS, Privacy, Site map, Contact us, Disclosure/Disclaimer, for EU - Link 1 or CodeCanyon Link 2
-- no-index for TOS, Privacy and similars.

- Add MailChimp or similar

- Add Analytics, Clicky or similar
- Add site google and bing webmaster tools and test for errors, look also at Web Developer Checklist
---- sixthcutuan: - Combined the social icons into a css sprite. Use CSS Sprites generator to combine them and the code needed shouldn't be too difficult to work out.

- microdata - Big G Link, Schema.org

- Add Socials, Bookmarking buttons

- If making user base: Log in through Facebook

- If selling something : Dedicated IP + SSL is a must AND phone number - perhaps toll free redirected to your one AND at least PO Box

- W3C Validate. Try speed improvement, GWO. Think about Cloudflare or similar
---- If you are targeting specific country, e.g. for gambling is UK, then buy a local hosting.

After launch:

- Start adding content for longtails

- Outsource simple linkbuilding: Y! Answers, blogpost, forums, usually at Microworkers

- Start scraping competitor backlinks and act acordringly

- After initial general links, after get some ranking, start gathering only niche/content related links and those from your competitors profiles

- Add ranktracking, for example MicrositeMasters with 10 free keywords for beginning or free TrafficTravis

- Beside the FB/Twitter/Standard ones, see which are your niche related socials at KnowEm and make regs.

- Start adding 0-10 Fb/Twitter. After get some real fans/followers, try the free plan of hootsuite.

- Add Heatmap, start with free Clicktale, Seevolution or similar

- Add FAQ if it's applicable

- When you get some cash flow, start hiring VAs to do the everyday boring jobs and focus on improving this site or start another one.


Also you could read/make:

- Read The Advanced Guide to SEO, it's made the funny way.

Just a reminder what every page must have: /100% copied from sixthcutuan at Louey's Journal/

- H1 Header
- H2 Header
- H3 Header
- Bold / Strong Tags
- Image ALT
- Meta Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Tags
- Keyword in Page URL

Also add h4-h6 is you have where.

And a list of FREE /Public Domain/ royal stock images, even for commercial use:

Wikipedia:public domain image resources

Wikimedia Commons

Flickr, Advanced Search, Find content to use commercially


From CCarter: // Also read all of his threads

I ALWAYS keep the following ratio for my anchor text backlink profile:

Brand Name = 30-40%
Direct URL (home page + inner pages) = 30-40%
Generic Anchors = 10-20%
Keywords = 1 to 10% (short tail version MAX = 2%)

If I see my keyword going over 10%, I immediately increase 1 of the other 4. It's okay if one of the other 4 goes over their marks, that's not a problem. The problem is when keywords go over 10%.

From xpathfucker:

Just one more small little thing: be different from all your competitors. Create a tool, a free guide, a service, whatever makes you different from other people in your niche. Force them to link to your stuff*! If your sites are only filled with articles (no matter how good), you are doing it wrong. Think about that.

All the best
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Reactions: c4yrslf12
There's been a while.

So I made a list of how I start making sites.
And I'm continuing to make site after site mostly on gambling niche.
I actually print this shit on a paper for every site and use green maker for check marks.
And as my goal is not to invent the hot water, the list is made after reading a lof of Case Studies, Journals and thread here at WF. Almost of the content is copied from other threads, but I systematize it to be most useful for me:


- Get/Buy *responsive* Theme, modify it, choose related background, check emp's Free, lightweight, responsive Wordpress themes
- Fiverr - Logo /fiverr gig/, fav ico, social 64x64 brand based icons, gravatar for comments
-- Optimise/Compress all images

- Determinate what text to use as top navigation links.
- Buy/Write Content
---- Caption under the photos
---- Interlinking + Authority outbound linking!

- 404, TOS, Privacy, Site map, Contact us, Disclosure/Disclaimer, for EU - Link 1 or CodeCanyon Link 2
-- no-index for TOS, Privacy and similars.

- Add MailChimp or similar

- Add Analytics, Clicky or similar
- Add site google and bing webmaster tools and test for errors, look also at Web Developer Checklist
---- sixthcutuan: - Combined the social icons into a css sprite. Use CSS Sprites generator to combine them and the code needed shouldn't be too difficult to work out.

- microdata - Big G Link, Schema.org

- Add Socials, Bookmarking buttons

- If making user base: Log in through Facebook

- If selling something : Dedicated IP + SSL is a must AND phone number - perhaps toll free redirected to your one AND at least PO Box

- W3C Validate. Try speed improvement, GWO. Think about Cloudflare or similar
---- If you are targeting specific country, e.g. for gambling is UK, then buy a local hosting.

After launch:

- Start adding content for longtails

- Outsource simple linkbuilding: Y! Answers, blogpost, forums, usually at Microworkers

- Start scraping competitor backlinks and act acordringly

- After initial general links, after get some ranking, start gathering only niche/content related links and those from your competitors profiles

- Add ranktracking, for example MicrositeMasters with 10 free keywords for beginning or free TrafficTravis

- Beside the FB/Twitter/Standard ones, see which are your niche related socials at KnowEm and make regs.

- Start adding 0-10 Fb/Twitter. After get some real fans/followers, try the free plan of hootsuite.

- Add Heatmap, start with free Clicktale, Seevolution or similar

- Add FAQ if it's applicable

- When you get some cash flow, start hiring VAs to do the everyday boring jobs and focus on improving this site or start another one.


Also you could read/make:

- Read The Advanced Guide to SEO, it's made the funny way.

Just a reminder what every page must have: /100% copied from sixthcutuan at Louey's Journal/

- H1 Header
- H2 Header
- H3 Header
- Bold / Strong Tags
- Image ALT
- Meta Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Tags
- Keyword in Page URL

Also add h4-h6 is you have where.

And a list of FREE /Public Domain/ royal stock images, even for commercial use:

Wikipedia:public domain image resources

Wikimedia Commons

Flickr, Advanced Search, Find content to use commercially


From CCarter: // Also read all of his threads

I ALWAYS keep the following ratio for my anchor text backlink profile:

Brand Name = 30-40%
Direct URL (home page + inner pages) = 30-40%
Generic Anchors = 10-20%
Keywords = 1 to 10% (short tail version MAX = 2%)

If I see my keyword going over 10%, I immediately increase 1 of the other 4. It's okay if one of the other 4 goes over their marks, that's not a problem. The problem is when keywords go over 10%.

From xpathfucker:

Just one more small little thing: be different from all your competitors. Create a tool, a free guide, a service, whatever makes you different from other people in your niche. Force them to link to your stuff*! If your sites are only filled with articles (no matter how good), you are doing it wrong. Think about that.

All the best
