Zip Submit payouts

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New member
Sep 24, 2007
I've been pushing about $250 per day on a particular zip submit which pays $1.25. I've been doing this for about a week now. Is it too early to ask for a pay increase? I understand the network's margins are small on these so will i even be able to get a pay increase at all? What do you guys ask for with these small payout offers?

It's never too early to ask for a pay increase. If I were you I would've asked a long time ago. My AM was more than happy to increase my payout on some email submits, and he even increased them more than I expected.

edit: And as for your last two questions, in my particular case I got a 15-cent increase in my payout. I think if I were pushing as much as you, I might have been able to get a little more (I'm not sure what the network's margins typically are for submits).
you can ask for a payout increase BEFORE you ever even run the offer. Just watch your conversion rates after you get a bump.
You'd actually be surprised at their margins on some of the zip submits. I got a bump from $1.20 to $1.60 after doing 300+ leads per day. Obviously they make their money in volume. If giving you a bump means you can drive more volume they'll end making more money in the end. It's usually a win-win but obviously sometimes they'll lose if the affiliate doesn't follow through.
You'd actually be surprised at their margins on some of the zip submits. I got a bump from $1.20 to $1.60 after doing 300+ leads per day. Obviously they make their money in volume. If giving you a bump means you can drive more volume they'll end making more money in the end. It's usually a win-win but obviously sometimes they'll lose if the affiliate doesn't follow through.

Thanks for the replies. I didnt realize that that kind of bump was possible for zip submits. That would really affect my profit margin in a nice way! I'm relatively new to the network so was reluctant to ask for a bump immediately. Will try to negotiate $1.45 for now with $1.60 when i'm doing more than 300 per day. Thanks guys.
My AM says that they don't even make 1.60 on the offer (1.25 payout email submit). He claims the upper most he can give me is 1.35. Do you reckon thats true or is he just banking on my relative inexperience? Thks
Could be legit but honestly you'll never know unless you find someone getting a higher payout. You've gotta consider that networks push traffic through others and at times they go direct. If there's a third party involved obviously their payouts are less.

In the particular situation I mentioned in my last post, I was on the base payout, pushed some good volume, and at the same time the advertiser upped the payouts. So I got the bump that was coming to me + the effect of the advertiser raising.

Tip: Use LinkNark | Unmask TinyUrl and Other Link Cloaking Services. on one of your offer links to see where the traffic is going before landing at the advertiser. That'll at least give you a little insight.
in my experience, getting a cpa increase on a zip/email submit has resulted in a higher scrub %, and things even out anyway.
Thanks Spades, thats a great little tool, hadnt heard about it. I think my AM is being honest, but i'll try a few other networks anyway..

Thought about leaving the campaign alone, but will see what happens once the small increase he offered comes into effect.
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