ZenSix Competition


New member
May 13, 2009
OK, since Zensix is sold out - who's next? Any comparable hosts offering similar features or packages?


Taking into account that the limit I reached is the mailing list one, I need a hosting package which will allow me to send to my mailing list of +1000 subscribers.

In addition to that, I need:

- About a dozen domains & email accounts.
- PHP5
- Good uptime and bandwidth

Not really much, as you can see. Any recommendations?

EDIT: I usually send one email a month, so it should be a big deal. Also, I am getting about 80 new subscribers a month, so the list will keep growing. I've also considered to stay where I am and just move the mailing list somewhere else, but I'm not sure now. You're the experts.
With regards to the email list limits, how fast are you trying to send out to those subscribers? All at once, or over time? Most shared providers will require you to throttle sending that out otherwise look into a vps package.
They fill in an opt-in form and they go straight to my Majordomo application. In theory, I just need to send one email to the Majordomo list and that should do. Do you suggest me to open one list per every 100 users instead and waiting an hour between an email and the other just to avoid a cap? I don't really like the idea.
I thought you strictly did dedis, not VPSes.

I can do just about anything from small fry virtual accounts, mid market semi and up to dedicated and anything in between. Whether you are a small start up, or have a block of 15 boxes. If you need a host for something, I can do it.

I typically focus on the bigger dedicated clients in regards to proactive marketing efforts on the WM boards. There are only so many hours in a day and you can't chase down everyone. You would need to have 12 threads at all times.

But I can do just about anything that involves web hosting.
yeah i need a new replacement since i was sold to vpsoutlet from zensix and they are fucking garbage. no support, and right now the servers are down with no word of when they are going to be back up or why they are down. cool.