Zen Cart Extremely Slow


New member
Jul 18, 2009
So I have ZenCart installed on my server, but the site is loading extremely slow. We are talking about 6-8 seconds on any page. My server is definitely powerful enough to handle ZenCart, so I believe the problem should be the configuration of ZC.

Anyone else ran into this problem and have any recommendations?

see if there is some sort of cache setting. big ecom and CMS setups are fucking hogs when in development mode, but when you turn on caching, they speed right up.
I've had my developer look into the caching settings earlier, and even though it did help us go from 10-12 seconds to 6-7 second load time, the site is still unusable. Also, we have yet to upload any products or anything, we don't even have images up yet. So I'm afraid to see how slow it will load once there are images up on the page.
I have installed zen cart for my store too and I am not facing any problem with it. May be your server is so slow
There should be some logging features you can turn on in the admin panel that should help indicate what's causing the hang time.