Zach Braff, got kickstarted.

Zach Braff sold his film for $2.75M, but the Kickstarter contributors won't see any of that money:

The folks who donated money to get the film made won't see any of that cash, though. And, really, that makes sense.

Braff received a little more than $3 million in funding through his Kickstarter campaign. But, the film's budget swelled to a little more than $5 million. They had to secure a loan to cover the difference and still needed Braff to contribute a substantial amount out-of-pocket to get the film made. More than that, though, the loan that they secured was contingent on the notion that an after-Sundance deal would enable Braff to pay it back.

Thus, all the folks that, essentially, invested in Braff's new movie got what they were promised: their names in the credits, tickets to premieres, T-shirts and the like, but won't actually be repayed.

Zach Braff is only worth $12 Mil? Seems really low for being the star of a top rated tv show that lasted 8 years.

I would have guessed closer to 9-figures. Huh.

Beyond that I don't see anything wrong with him croudfunding a project. Fame attracts money. Lindsey Lohan can earn an easy mid six-figures or more for spending a couple of hours in a club.

As for Braff, I'm not really a fan. But on the other hand, why risk 1/4 of your net worth to finance a project when you can easily get people to happily hand over money to cover all of the costs for you? It's risk free. And let's be honest, any movie coming from that guy is a risk I wouldn't want to shoulder.

(Note to self: Become famous).
Zach Braff is only worth $12 Mil? Seems really low for being the star of a top rated tv show that lasted 8 years.

I would have guessed closer to 9-figures. Huh.

Beyond that I don't see anything wrong with him croudfunding a project. Fame attracts money. Lindsey Lohan can earn an easy mid six-figures or more for spending a couple of hours in a club.

As for Braff, I'm not really a fan. But on the other hand, why risk 1/4 of your net worth to finance a project when you can easily get people to happily hand over money to cover all of the costs for you? It's risk free. And let's be honest, any movie coming from that guy is a risk I wouldn't want to shoulder.

(Note to self: Become famous).

I'd guess 9 figures is a weee bit high. Charlie Sheen was getting $1.8 Million per episode of that one show, and how many episodes are there per year? and you know these guys are blowing money left and right, not investing correctly, doing stupid Nick Cage shit like buying dinosaur skulls.
I'd guess 9 figures is a weee bit high. Charlie Sheen was getting $1.8 Million per episode of that one show, and how many episodes are there per year? and you know these guys are blowing money left and right, not investing correctly, doing stupid Nick Cage shit like buying dinosaur skulls.
But Dinosaur skulls will do nothing but appreciate in value!
I don't have anything against people getting funded by sheep, if their creativity gets the traction.

The thing that is amazing is with kickstarter there is no accountability whatsoever. Meaning, you can create a campaign, get funded, and then not deliver anything. Take money and run, and just update your page once a month. Morally it's a shit thing to do, but there is many stories where launch dates are broken, and people just postpone productions and delivery of promised goods indefinitely.

And the best thing is, no one is asking you questions.

I'm in awe this site still exists and earns the creators a nice 5% cut of sheep moneys
I don't have anything against people getting funded by sheep, if their creativity gets the traction.

The thing that is amazing is with kickstarter there is no accountability whatsoever. Meaning, you can create a campaign, get funded, and then not deliver anything. Take money and run, and just update your page once a month. Morally it's a shit thing to do, but there is many stories where launch dates are broken, and people just postpone productions and delivery of promised goods indefinitely.

And the best thing is, no one is asking you questions.

I'm in awe this site still exists and earns the creators a nice 5% cut of sheep moneys


Reminds me of Luci Lucid (TL;DR: $360k funding, cancelled, not clear if they refunded every customer).

Same idea, different guys: Aurora: The Dream-Enhancing Headband by iWinks LLC — Kickstarter

inb4 cancelled
inb4 no refunds
step 1: start a kickstarter
step 2: make promises
step 3: cancel kickstarter and no refunds
step 7: profit?

I smell a WSO
Sounds about right. ZB is such a DB!

He did exactly what he promised in the kickstarter.. Made a movie with the funds, gave the contributors their swag. Kickstarter donators don't get shares of the project and have no expectation of making an ROI beyond whatever incentive for donation they receive.
Zach Braff sold his film for $2.75M, but the Kickstarter contributors won't see any of that money:

Terrible article title...of course they won't see the money.

The people pledged $$ to receive perks that are outlined on the side. No more, no less. If ZB didn't provide those perks properly, then you have a story.

It says he secured a deal for American distribution for 2.75mil, does that mean he sells 100% ownership to distributors?
Article doesn't explain what "selling" means.

Sounds about right. ZB is such a DB!
Not really. People donated money to be extras in the movie and get advanced screenings and go to after parties among other perks.