YSM Editor is coming... FINALLY

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Mar 17, 2008
New York
Just heard it yesterday from someone I know has accurate information that came straight from the horses mouth. Ysm should have a beta version of a desktop editor, similar to adwords editor, out towards the end of summer or early fall.

Now I'll just cross my fingers and hope they actually get it right since everything else they have tried to copy from adwords so far they have managed to fuck up somehow.

Who cares? With their new adsense relationship your ysm ads will never get any impressions as they slowly phase out ysm and let Google be their ad server.
Jerry Yang is an idiot for trying to stand up to Microsoft. He will soon become Google's bitch over this.
this is exciting news...the YSM interface is so clumsy and slow that I could get a lot more work done with an editor....assuming the editor isnt ALSO clumsy and slow.
Only about two years too late.

BTW can you link to your source please?

No link available. It's not public knowledge just yet but I heard it first hand from someone who has worked for ysm for years (since it was overture) and still works closely with them.
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