YSM Bulk Upload

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Junior Mint
Jul 31, 2006
Am I an idiot and just now after a year of using YSM noticing that there is a bulk upload button on the main account screen? Is this new?

Allows 5000 keywords at a time, 20000 for the day. Jesus, if this has been there for months I'm gonna slam my carpel tunneled hands in a drawer!

Im an even bigger idiot, i can't find the bulk upload button. Do you mean on the first page you see when you login?
Am I an idiot and just now after a year of using YSM noticing that there is a bulk upload button on the main account screen? Is this new?

Allows 5000 keywords at a time, 20000 for the day. Jesus, if this has been there for months I'm gonna slam my carpel tunneled hands in a drawer!

Holy shit, nice find. If they had one for Adcenter that would make my day.

Hey, does anyone know if there is a way to check all the phrase and exact match buttons in adcenter for all of the keywords on a page at once. That takes forever to do it manually. There has to be a way to do it, its too much of a pain to to it by hand.
Adcenter allows a xls/csv upload of keywords, bid prices for all match types and dynamic text.

It's in a dropdown menu as "import or export keywords".
You can certainly add 100+ keywords and bids to an "order" at once.

I spent well over $3k, but can't find Bulk Upload in my account. Was this feature removed, or do I have contact Yahoo to get it?
email Y they will send you a format excel put all info in excel and you are god to go much easier then thier current crappy system but they are upgrading.
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