YPN Boot You Yet?

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Man I don't even remember what I was doing....

I got pissed so I sent them an "appeal" but I'm not expecting anything.

My last paragraph went:

I would like to apologize for not being able to generate conversions for advertisements like “Florida Attorneys”. I apologize for thinking that YPN was a CPC Network rather than the CPA network that it apparently is. I also apologize for the YPN ads on my page showing irrelevant things such as Vonage ads and other unrelated things to the content of my website. I apologize that the Publisher homepage lies when it says that YPN will show ads that are “relevant to the content of your site and earn money from qualified clicks.”

Hahaha I liked how it sounded :p
Ehh no worries. I had one of my accounts banned for the same reason. Lucky for us at the moment though because all of the spies they have that read this forum are at AD:TECH and will be far too busy for at least another week to come here and see this. Those dopes!

But on a lighter note, that message rocks! Stick it to them dude.

Did they at least pay you for the period due up until the ban? If not, they should.
Yup stupid. I went to one of shoemoney's sites cause he was complaining too. We'll I go to a ring tone site and get ads for vonage, some automated phone answering service, and a Toyota dealer in the Virginia area, yet I'm in California......
I think the problem was that when YPN first started eveyone was like YEAHHHH on the amount of $ , then a assload of people went to get on YPN to do the exact same thing. Then the advertisers noticed that WTF our shits getting clicked but thats about it... I know that when I run my Y ads I turn off the content part because of this reason. So I just think because of the amout of fraud off the bat killed thier system before it could do good. Only reason adsense did well is cause it was a first, so people had to learn, now that people know they tried and applied the same adsense tricks to generate clicks and it made that system fail.

just my 2cc's
Ehh no worries. I had one of my accounts banned for the same reason. Lucky for us at the moment though because all of the spies they have that read this forum are at AD:TECH and will be far too busy for at least another week to come here and see this. Those dopes!

But on a lighter note, that message rocks! Stick it to them dude.

Did they at least pay you for the period due up until the ban? If not, they should.

Hahaha thanks bro.

TBH, I can't complain to much, I did squeeze the account for more than I could have sold it for.

Their email says they'll pay out this month within 90 days, but I've heard some people saying they got banned and never got 60k even 3 months after they were banned....

Looks like I'll have to dab more into other stuff since I'm now banned from both the major CPC networks ;)
i got booted before too, they paid out within 60 days... still have 1 account left
Booted here as well, with $12k in the account. Not sure what's gonna happen to that, $8.5k for some reason appears in the payment details listed as "Pending".

On one hand it takes the piss. On other hand though, you have to admit, there's NO WAY IN HELL those mortage ads on entertainment sites were actually converting. Some people were quick to cash in, back in the days, selecting "Health" and "Finance" as their targeting categories and getting $3 clicks on flash arcades, but there's no way this scam could continue.

What I really don't like how some arcade sites are still scamming advertisers out of money when the rest of us have to suck it up.

What I also don't like is the "poor quality traffic" excuse, now for some people yeah, that works, but for me example, that is horseshit, because I'm running YPN along with CPA, and CPA is converting at $500/day. Poor quality what?
Booted here as well, with $12k in the account. Not sure what's gonna happen to that, $8.5k for some reason appears in the payment details listed as "Pending".

On one hand it takes the piss. On other hand though, you have to admit, there's NO WAY IN HELL those mortage ads on entertainment sites were actually converting. Some people were quick to cash in, back in the days, selecting "Health" and "Finance" as their targeting categories and getting $3 clicks on flash arcades, but there's no way this scam could continue.

What I really don't like how some arcade sites are still scamming advertisers out of money when the rest of us have to suck it up.

What I also don't like is the "poor quality traffic" excuse, now for some people yeah, that works, but for me example, that is horseshit, because I'm running YPN along with CPA, and CPA is converting at $500/day. Poor quality what?

Damn man, mode you get your money, thats loads to not get... :S
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