YPN and arbi

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New member
Nov 28, 2006
upstate NY
anyone using ypn for arbi? i've run a few tests but i'm getting vonage ads, etc instead of targeted ads. i added the meta tags which has helped with some niches but still a minority. i've got the pages as php pulling my article from a database (modded lerch's script). i guess yahoo robots will visit my site at some point to help with relevant ads but any idea how long that will take? i'd hate to lose a weeks worth of earnings if it's that long. also will being independent php pages - not linked together - prevent properly scanning the pages. how will yahoo know what pages to visit? maybe i've got it wrong - is using ypn point blank regarless of niche a bad idea?

YPN has been more or less good to me for arbi, although I've definitely had problems, and I'm in the middle of a big problem with it right now.

One thing I thought of: do your pages have any query strings in the URLs? YPN has a hard time targeting, for example, mypage.php?source=7Search. Your URLs need to look static for it to work well.
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i'm set up like subdomain.domain.com/niche.php - i want to do query strings to help with stats which are becoming a nightmare and too hard to track manually. i was doing subdomain.domain.com/niche with a redirect to the php but htaccess isn't always working for me. it sounds like i may be okay then. thanks so much for the responses so far guys, anyone else want to chime in?
Are you doing 301s to the php, or using mod_rewrite? If your host allows it, mod_rewrite is a lot better, because it maps the URL internally instead of making the browser send another request for the new page. Faster loading and more reliable. With mod_rewrite, you can map something like:



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