Youtube - You can now buy placement by keywords!

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Coupled with audio indexing, and quoting xmcp,

The internet just got a lot more hilarious.

Brainstorm people, how can we inject porn in there?
Link to YouTube's Advertising Platform:

Quick Info:

  • Set your budget

    Concerned about costs? Don't worry - Sponsored Videos puts you in complete control of your spending. There's no minimum spending requirement--the amount you pay for Sponsored Videos is up to you. You can, for instance, set a daily budget of five dollars and a maximum cost of ten cents for each click on your ad.
    Pay only for results

    You’re charged only if someone clicks your Sponsored Videos promotion, not when the promotion is displayed.
This development forced me to write my first blog article in over 2 months:
YouTube Video Promotion, Adsense Style :

I already signed up and am currently promoting a video to test.

For those that don't want to click through to my practically abandoned blog (I'm too busy) here is a summary:

Remember when Facebook launched their advertising platform? And then MySpace followed? Well get ready because another powerhouse - YouTube - is on the brink of unrolling an ad platform that will provide web marketers another opportunity to cash in. And, just like Facebook Ads, these platforms launch with minimal competition so the time to cash in is early on.

The Google Blog published this awesome development earlier today:

"Today, we are excited to announce a way to do just that. YouTube Sponsored Videos is our new advertising program that enables all video creators — from the everyday user to a Fortune 500 advertiser — to reach people who are interested in their content, products, or services, with relevant videos. Anyone can use Sponsored Videos to make sure their videos find a larger audience, whether you’re a start-up band trying to break out with a new single, a film studio seeking to promote an exciting movie trailer, or even a first-time uploader trying to quickly build a following on the site."

You can sign up now at:

YouTube has had a well publicized difficulty in turning a profit and the website, despite easily being the #1 destination on the web for videos, is still in the red. Actually, its one of the top destinations for any type of content. I have a feeling that this development will change that, especially if they’re able to take the ease and effectiveness of targeted contextual advertising to the video stage.

The question is, will the site become overrun with unrelated videos for various search terms from marketers who publish them solely for the purpose of generating traffic and revenue? Lets hope not. While your little brain is probably ticking with the question, “How Can I Profit From This,” remember that if YouTube ceases to be an effective medium for finding what you want, people will stop using it.

I don’t think that will happen but I know Internet Marketers worldwide will probably soon flock to YouTube wondering how they can turn a quick buck. Or quick thousand bucks or hundred thousand bucks. Its possible… just ask anyone who got in on the Facebook Ad launch.

I’m eager to see how this development plays into the advertising and marketing campaigns of myself and other fellow marketers and I hope it does big things for YouTube and Google as well. This is an exciting development.

The announcement directly from Google can be found here: Google Blog
The question is, will the site become overrun with unrelated videos for various search terms from marketers who publish them solely for the purpose of generating traffic and revenue? Lets hope not. While your little brain is probably ticking with the question, “How Can I Profit From This,” remember that if YouTube ceases to be an effective medium for finding what you want, people will stop using it.
I think this WILL kill YouTube...Think about it.Without this, YouTube is already flooded by dickheads that think they can make shitloads of money because someone sold them a WSO about it.Remember that East European girl who had like 50 videos with the exact same scrpt except for the offer? And then she held her hand up at the right place for it to point to the URL they were pimping?

As for viral... dunno about that. Truly viral videos go everywhere, not just YouTube, and they do that because hte content is somethign that people generally want to see... Like a baby being kicked in the head by a breakdancer ;)
I think once people suddenly start to notice that ALL the "top" videos are attempting to sell them something, they'll stop viewing them so much... And when all the "top" videos have low view counts, people will become skeptical.
It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen once some dick makes a WSO about it, and the YouTube ad platform gets flooded.
When the "top" videos are nothing but get rich quick eBooks and Coca-cola, Hulu will be king.

Honestly, they should have just started inserting regular advertisements at the end of videos, or putting ad breaks into longer ones or something.
@glowleaf: definitely would be good for that, but remember that triggering the sponsored videos is keyword based, so depending on your video's content... that might be easier said than done.

If I had time to look into this here is what I would do:

  • Try to research what terms are searched most in relation to video
  • Pick out the ones related to something you could sell
  • Make a video about that type of product with obvious text in the video telling them to go to website XYZ for a free trial or whatever
  • Have that website be a kickass landing page for your affiliate offer
  • Make money
It's all about what people are searching for... because thats what will trigger the ads. I think there is a lot of money to be made here... especially early on.

Video can be incredibly captivating. Remember that douche in another thread on here with his wife beater T rambling about making money? If he bid on some make money keywords and scrolled his website on the video I bet he could do pretty well. Perhaps sad, but true.

There is a lot of opportunity in this and the real winners will make captivating videos they can promote to popular keywords.
@HarveyJ: I agree to an extent. This could easily be countered by not counting paid clicks in your view count, or counting paid clicks separately so it wouldn't artificially inflate a video's popularity.

With any new system there are going to be people who try to exploit it but based on Google's ability to pretty safely regulate their SERPS and Adsense placements I think they'll do a decent job keeping YouTube ads inline with what people want/expect from the overall site and experience.
Yup. I agree with all that. I was talking about pushing an already viral worthy video a bit more... Like we do with bought diggs etc. For this concept, this is all like digg serving us paid digg votes.

Harvey, I don't think that people will understand what will happen. I honestly believe that 80% of the adsense clickers have no idea what they are clicking on. People still click on serp sponsored results because they think the ad is the result.

I think once people suddenly start to notice that ALL the "top" videos are attempting to sell them something, they'll stop viewing them so much... And when all the "top" videos have low view counts, people will become skeptical.

As for this, one, as I said, people are stupid. And two, I think google will limit the "ad" spots, for example the top 2 etc. I am certain they will not let paid results flood the search pages.
Video of a skiny woman making acai recipes and going on about how great it is.

Or a skinny woman talking about her weight loss journey and how Acai Explosion 5000 and Colon Blo 3500+ changed all that.

Get to work.
I don't really see this as being as big of an opportunity as everyone else seems to. I mean, all of the video concepts that can be used to use a video to sell a product can basically already be done for free. You just have to do a little gaming to get the video enough views to become visible. Plus, Google already favors YouTube videos a lot in terms of their title/keywords.

trigatch4 mentioned doing keyword research to see what people are searching for. One trick I use is pretty simple. Since the YouTube search field is full of suggestions (ranked in order of search volume, I assume), just type a letter or two and look at the top suggestions. For example, A = Akon, B = Britney Spears, and C = Chris Brown. Sounds to me like ringtones are probably still gameable on YouTube.
Wow.... this is huge.

Many of you above posted that you believe Youtube will be flooded with tons of videos attempting to "Sell Stuff". Well I agree to an extent.

I highly doubt a video that is made solely to sell someone weight loss juice, for example, will do well at all. People will watch it, realize it is an advertisement, and then find another video because well.... who likes an advertisement?

Where the true money will be at is people who can create videos that are viral, that have an audience, and that are captivating but that allow you to "inject" your product into it.

We can use weight loss as the exact same example. Have you ever seen those videos of those emo chicks that blog all the time on youtube with all their problems and such? What if one happened to blog occasionally about being self-conscientious of their weight and in one episode mentioned briefly that they tried XX weight lost thing because they were so depressed (this girl would already have a fan base btw)... Then woola! It worked and she's so happy.

Or how about this example, with shamwow's. People create a hilarious video of the many ways you can use shamwow. People watch it and crack up and then your link pops up with "What are shamwow's really for?".. I am almost positive you catch a lot of interested users via that way.

I am almost sure that now internet marketers will pay people to create "video campaigns" that produce a lot higher ctr and conversions.
This would be good advertisement for established niched sites. Maybe even getting niched social networks?
I think this WILL kill YouTube...Think about it.Without this, YouTube is already flooded by dickheads that think they can make shitloads of money because someone sold them a WSO about it.Remember that East European girl who had like 50 videos with the exact same scrpt except for the offer? And then she held her hand up at the right place for it to point to the URL they were pimping?

As for viral... dunno about that. Truly viral videos go everywhere, not just YouTube, and they do that because hte content is somethign that people generally want to see... Like a baby being kicked in the head by a breakdancer ;)
I think once people suddenly start to notice that ALL the "top" videos are attempting to sell them something, they'll stop viewing them so much... And when all the "top" videos have low view counts, people will become skeptical.
It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen once some dick makes a WSO about it, and the YouTube ad platform gets flooded.
When the "top" videos are nothing but get rich quick eBooks and Coca-cola, Hulu will be king.

Honestly, they should have just started inserting regular advertisements at the end of videos, or putting ad breaks into longer ones or something.

Your not taking into consideration the fact that people who constantly view will still watch what they want, and not watch "straightforward" ads.

What I think is gonna happen is that people will create funny, viral-friendly videos that have something small about a product in their video and then the ads served will be like "Want to know more about this product?" or "It helped her. It can help you!" type of ads. I don't think this will truly change/damage youtube at all.
If the video is viral, it doesn't need to paid for to get its ranking.
Viral marketing works by exponential increase as people pass it between each other... Like 6 degrees of separation. Or an actual contagion, which is why it's called "viral" in the first place.

glowleaf: Sorry. You're right. I keep forgetting that this is the new millenium, and that the internet isn't the province of the intelligentsia anymore.
If the video is viral, it doesn't need to paid for to get its ranking.

I respectfully couldn't disagree more. Some of my best viral attempts have fallen through cracks while lesser ones hit it big. Every single extra view you get on a video gives it the chance of being passed on one more time... the one more time that might get it into the hands of someone who can republish it on a huge site... or who has a ton of myspace friends... etc...

It provides the opportunity drive momentum, an element that is uber important in creating a viral hit.
I respectfully couldn't disagree more. Some of my best viral attempts have fallen through cracks while lesser ones hit it big. Every single extra view you get on a video gives it the chance of being passed on one more time... the one more time that might get it into the hands of someone who can republish it on a huge site... or who has a ton of myspace friends... etc...

It provides the opportunity drive momentum, an element that is uber important in creating a viral hit.

Yup, I agree. The seeding part of a viral idea is the most important, and every bit helps.
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