YouTube Warnings?


New member
Mar 31, 2013
Near Philadelphia
I just got bitch-slapped by YouTube for a "Global Content Violation". What I think happened is that one of the old movies I tried to upload to my channel was flagged by someone else claiming to own the copyright. As this was my first warning , the YouTube court has given me a suspended sentence: 30 days probation where I can't upload anything longer than 15 minutes. Further copyright claims could get me banned.
My channel is mostly old movies which (I thought) were in the public domain and my own videos.
There are some movies on my channel which I suspect may have copyright claims on them. I've already taken some down when I discovered some small company was selling them in the US on DVD. These are mostly older European movies from the 60's.
So should I play it safe and take down any movie I can't prove to be in the public domain? I've actually made a little money on this channel and wouldn't want to lose it.

You already got your answer right there
take down any movie I can't prove to be in the public domain.
Every single movie out there as long as the owner or company or creator didn't give out a signed waiver that his movie can be posted in public will have a copyright issue. If you dont want to loose the channel then your playing a dangerous game there
there are a lot of movies out there that ARE in the public domain that you could put on your channel. Unfortunately, not many of those were made in the 1960's. You might be making money on your channel but honestly I could make decent money on youtube also if I put up some pirated copies of movies people care about...until I can't anymore...because of copyright violations.

Anyways there are a ton of legal angles for content on youtube. Don't let it stop you just approach it different.

Good luck man!

Kam (aka zerofatz)
The Life and Times of ZeroFatz - My Blog
Thanks. I've decided to hold off on putting anything new up on the channel until I can figure out how to get around the copyright angle.
What's frustrating is that I did contact one of the "copyright holders" and got a nasty response. Literally, "Take our obscure 60's horror movie off there or we will got to the YouTube police." They wouldn't even work out an angle. Which is just absurd as how many people give two shits about this movie? You'd think they would've been intrigued there was an untapped audience.
I'm not sure how to answer your question directly. However, I did some research on Google about public domain films that might help you out. Here is a list of Public Domain films that have no claims on them. The source is wiki. Please be sure to verify the film is public domain before hosting on Youtube or your website.

List of films in the public domain in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This list will give you a starting point for knowing what is safe to host on Youtube. You are likely to be able to find documentation that these films are in public domain (check footnotes).
I'm not sure how to answer your question directly. However, I did some research on Google about public domain films that might help you out. Here is a list of Public Domain films that have no claims on them. The source is wiki. Please be sure to verify the film is public domain before hosting on Youtube or your website.

List of films in the public domain in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This list will give you a starting point for knowing what is safe to host on Youtube. You are likely to be able to find documentation that these films are in public domain (check footnotes).


(wrong thread, sorry)
Thanks. I'll keep that public domain forum in mind. I took ALL the films off my YT account after getting pimp slapped last week. I sincerely doubt a lot of these "copyright holders" have a legal leg to stand on, but i don't have the $$$ to hire a lawyer.
Youtube also have a rule for content Global Content send warning to Content Violation videos..
I took down all the third party videos after one too many copyright troll notices. It was making some money, but I was sick of all the "song at 56 minutes is claimed" notices I was getting from YouTube. Eff em.