YOUTUBE experts please help


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Hello all,

I have a youtube channel with 30 videos on it.

28 of which i've left private for over a year while i develop the website.

The content is target based on my keywords and the quality of the content is high.

The question i have is since the videos are old would making them public now disqualify them as fresh content?

would it be a better (or worse) idea to remove the videos completely and reupload them?



Interesting question. Personally I would use it as an opportunity to make sure your descriptions etc are up-to-scratch for today's SERPs. I have no idea how private videos are treated in respect of 'fresh content' but it's still straight forward to rank a new video quite quickly. That's probably where I'd go myself, only because I really only put YT stuff up for new articles etc. so it's always fresh content anyway.

Out of interest I'm keen hear other's suggestions on this.
I would upload a handful of them again and see how it goes in comparison to the others. Good question indeed.
I'm no YT Wizard, but I believe based on personal experience in the very recent past that if you make certain changes as you make them public, YouTube will reward you.

Such as:

1. Create a keyword that doesn't exist. If it were in the cake baking niche: bakecaketv1. If all your videos have that, YouTube seems to group them and this activity on old videos, so long as you do it for all of them appears to give a positive boost.

2. Add a keywords section on all videos, i.e.


bake cake
cake ingredients

(Whatever you have in your keyword list).

3. Add a linkback (the url of your video)

4. Use annotations to produce clicks back to the url in your description.

5. Include an "other cool videos about baking cakes" section in the product description with links to 5 or 6 other videos on YouTube. I know this sounds crazy to send people away from you, but it seems to tell YT that you're part of a community and integrates you.

Again, I believe that if you do this as you turn them public it will tell YouTube that you're worth paying attention to. I tell you this based on what I have recently done to double my subscribes and my sign-ups on my website and it has been working. About half of my videos were one year old when I did this.

Good luck!

Oh ... and if I'm completely off the mark on this, I'd love to hear from any real YT experts if I'm these strategies fall in line with what the pros are doing.
It will still be considered "fresh content". The publish date determines the age of the video.
I'm in a similar boat with some additions of new video material to an older You Tube site. What I allowed this to help me with was getting the added exposure of the new videos I uploaded going out to G+ allowing for even more exposure for the older uploads and channel overall. This improves Google ranking and allows for more discussion on other platforms besides YT.

Doing this also gave me an opportunity to revisit keywords and links for each and every uploaded video new or old for efficiency and uniformity.

In addition, becoming a subscriber and sharing other videos does help in getting more exposure directly to your target audience. Visiting other sites and making comments is an organic way to increase visibility and find new customers. Tying in social networking really gives you a bang for your buck!
If you make them public, Youtube will treat them as brand new videos, as if t they were uploaded at that moment.