Your experience with tracking accuracy between platforms?


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Hi guys -- I have been doing some technical work related to CPA tracking (I am a newbie to the industry) and I am finding that the numbers never match up between a person's personal tracking (202, HasOffers, whatever) and the network or advertiser's system.

Do you guys also experience this, is it common? I'm not necessarily talking about being scrubbed (as often times the error seems to be in my favor) but more just that conversions are randomly not tracked here and there even if the setup seems solid in testing.

I can think of plenty of reasons for this but I'm just trying to determine what the common/obvious issues are from someone more experienced than I. Has anyone ever set up a fake offer and some tracking software so they could watch the logs from all sides and see if/how traffic gets lost?

Solid in testing != Solid in Production. The further down the chain you are in terms of pixel fires, the higher likelihood that your tracker won't be hit. EG an advertisers internal tracking always shows more conversions than the networks does.. you won't see a cpa network with an advertiser ui as stats-driven as the pub ui for that reason. Nope. The advertiser pays based on their stats and leads are added accordingly at the end of the month.

and that's just a failure of the networks pixel to fire. add on to that your pixel, your pixels pixel, your pixels pix... oh fuck it.
DirectTrack is notorious for pixel falloff. From my experience, HitPath has the closest pixel tracking from the network to the advertiser, which means that the affiliate gets credit for pretty much every lead/sale they generated. I've heard LinkTrust is good, as well on this front.

There's no such thing as 0% pixel falloff (it's almost impossible, technologically speaking, especially with volume), so split testing between two networks to see which one has a higher conversion rate and EPC is a good practice.
Why has LinkTrust been going down recently? All LinkTrust networks have been up and down the past few days.
DDOS Attack... it's happened to HitPath, DirectTrack, LinkTrust and HasOffers. When LT gets hit by it, trust me - every network does inadvertently because they're all inter-brokered.

When DT goes down, offers on my network go down. When HP goes down, offers on my network go down. And vice versa for every other platform.
DDOS Attack... it's happened to HitPath, DirectTrack, LinkTrust and HasOffers. When LT gets hit by it, trust me - every network does inadvertently because they're all inter-brokered.

When DT goes down, offers on my network go down. When HP goes down, offers on my network go down. And vice versa for every other platform.

That is exactly right, when one platform goes down, it affects every network.

Also DirectTrack and HitPath I believe count unique clicks, while LinkTrust counts raw.

So if a person clicks on your link 10 times and then gets a sale on DT, your converting at 100%. If a person clicks on your link 10 times and then gets a sale on LinkTrust, it will show as 10%.