Your developing tools of choice

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
What are yours?

mine are:

-Photoshop CS
-Imageready CS
-firefox + webdeveloper toolbar
-Avant Browser
-Smart FTP

-ie & firefox (still need to get opera, been lazy about getting it though)

Those are the main ones Im using currently, as I develop in PHP.
a.titus1 said:
-ie & firefox (still need to get opera, been lazy about getting it though)

Those are the main ones Im using currently, as I develop in PHP.
Opera it free now, it shou'ldn't be hard to download ;)
I heard they're going to use Opera as the browser for nintendo's gameboy DS thingy. I't looked kinda cool with 2 screens. Although I don't know if people will really use it.
Oh I know its free, but Ive just been lazy and havent bothered to d/l it. I used ot have it, then reset up my dev box and never bothered to get it again. I got FF because thats what I use for everyday browsing, but Im just being a bit of a slacker :) I'll get it before I do a new site release though.
I forgot to mention dreamweaver. I dont really use it as my hain html coder, but it comes out handy when replacing a lot of files at the sametime and things like that. Anyway it's much better that...*shivver* Frontpage used to be.
NtodaS said:
I forgot to mention dreamweaver. I dont really use it as my hain html coder, but it comes out handy when replacing a lot of files at the sametime and things like that. Anyway it's much better that...*shivver* Frontpage used to be.
Frontpage sucks for sure, I recognise a frontpage site from a mile away :eek:
NtodaS said:
You can almost smell the frontpage around it ;) I mainly hate the useless information in the html which makes it twice as big, and bandwith wasting.

The worst web sites are the ones done in MS Word. I still see a few of those to this day.
joe said:
The worst web sites are the ones done in MS Word. I still see a few of those to this day.

awww you made me remeber ;) I can think back of those they, you could recognise them by the cheezy clipart stilled bullit's and banner...disgusting
Komodo for coding, Dreamweaver for HTML tweaks if I need to see it in context, or Text Edit for plain code tweaking. Photoshop CS for graphics, Fireworks for when our designers send through layered PNGs, and Firefox web developer toolbar's CSS editor for inline CSS editing/tweaking.
I have Dreamweaver. It's built-in FTP system can't be beat as far as efficiency.
Just use Dreamweaver. It's so much easier to use than all of the other tools.
Photoshop CS2
Flash 8 Pro
Notepad (for quick changes)
Core FTP Lite
Firefox/IE for Testing
My Friends - to test my design in other resolutions/browsers.
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