Your budget on arbitrage.

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New member
Oct 24, 2006
Hello everyone.

First I want to say thanks for the wonderful information in this forum. I have been very successful as a webmaster running content sites. I have now been looking into Arbitrage and CPA.

I have been reading all day on this forum on the Arbitrage topics and I am ready to start my new journey. I can set a rather large budget on my PPC marketing for this experiement and I am just wondering what you guys have invested.

If you could tell me how much you spend on your budget compared to how much you make that would be EXCELLENT :) I am just looking to see what has worked for others.


Most people atleast double whatever they invest around here for most type of arbitrage. So 2:1 all the way to the crazy 7:1 that people have referenced to before. I myself am between 2:1 and 3:1 ROI.
Yup, 2:1 to 4:1 return. today sucked ass for me, but oh well. I spend as much as I can afford as long as I'm making money.
I was also reading and I noticed some people had a hard time getting a lot of traffic using 7search and searchfeed. Given this impression, I would assume its difficult to spend several hundred a day? Or would I just need to set up a ton of campaigns?
I spend whatever is spent. My returns right now are around 8:1 across the board so I am happy and content spending money as long as I am continuing to make profit. If you have a large budget, start smaller, and see what works. no sense in spending 1K and not making at LEAST 2.5K off it. you could wind up spending 2K to learn somethings NOT working, when you could have spent 100 to find out.
Spending hundreds would be a bit difficult but you can try branching off into affiliate ppc as well. Go into the big 3 as well as the 3rd tiers and try driving traffic to aff. offers.
what exactly are the big three- google, yahoo, msn?

is there a list of the 3rd tiers around somewhere- I know of 7search, searchfeed- but which others are out there?, goclick, looksmart, miva, clicksor are a few off the top of my head. These require alot of testing though as there is quite a bit of click fraud or just bad conversions.
ask sucks ass for reporting, don't do anything with them unless you do your own tracking. you can get some good stuff from ask but be carefull!
My advice is to plan on monitoring your campaigns at least once an hour. The best way to do arbitrage succesfully, is to frequently check your stats so that you can tweak if necessary.

I know that I am all over my stats all day long to make sure I'm not losing money. In fact, on Sunday I forgot that I left my AdWords campaign running, and checked in the evening and had spent well over $600.00 that day alone.

Good thing my YPN account was up to $1400 when I checked!
i must be doing something wrong because I already spent $100 and only made whatever in my sig.....damn WTF...
My huge days of arbitrage are long gone. Sometimes it's riding the waves at the right time, for specific niches.

Time for me to find another wave.
Overall I'm at 3-4:1, my two top performers and hitting 6-8:1 but today has been a steady 2:1 because it's my testing day and the threw a whole bunch of shit it should level back out tomorrow.
are you guys spending this much on expense with .6 - .10 cent bids?? or do you set a budget and just go for position 1-3 ?
are you guys spending this much on expense with .6 - .10 cent bids?? or do you set a budget and just go for position 1-3 ?

I follow that simple .06 cent rule.....just grab every keyword at .06 cents and you should position pretty high with 7search...depends on your niche also....but if your gonna bid more do not go over .10 cents a bid.

But don't take my seems like I'm not doing so good with arbit, cuz everyone is getting 2:1 to 8:1 ratio, but I'm getting fuckin' a .5:1 ratio....I'll probably start over again!
Heck, I bid .06 on adwords and return 2:1 or 3:1... on 7search I'd bid much lower... the key is to test, find what works, if it doesn't work, find why it doesnt (yea, use a little math, it helps ;) ) then change it and see if it works.
Heck, I bid .06 on adwords and return 2:1 or 3:1... on 7search I'd bid much lower... the key is to test, find what works, if it doesn't work, find why it doesnt (yea, use a little math, it helps ;) ) then change it and see if it works.

isn't minimum bid on adwords 10 c ?
I bid .20 on a few select high traffic keywords on 7search and they have paid off. I'm getting a 10:1 return overall. Just keep in mind, I'm only getting a few clicks a day though.
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