Your Biggest Website

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
How big is your biggest website (or project) and how much time did you spend planning it ?!

As I began working on a few more complex ideas, I found it quite hard to shift my mindset from "keep repeating the same small actions" to "sit down and plan all the details carefuly".

I'm creating a content site now where the content spans over 50 years, with anywhere from 20-40 pieces (albeit short pieces) of content per year. It's going to take me AGES, but when it's done it'll be pretty cool :)
Do you mean biggest as in most pages, most pageviews, or most users?
So far my biggest project had been a fully dynamic, SEO friendly Online Shop with more than 230 000 products online. Featuring various Payment Systems and lots of functions. The project is growing everyday.. I don't know anymore how many hours I invested in this but it's a _lot_.
Mark said:
I'm creating a content site now where the content spans over 50 years, with anywhere from 20-40 pieces (albeit short pieces) of content per year. It's going to take me AGES, but when it's done it'll be pretty cool :)
What do you mean "spans over 50 years" ?! Surely you're not planning to finish it around 2060 ?! :p

Andrew said:
Do you mean biggest as in most pages, most pageviews, or most users?
I meant biggest by your own standards. The coolest, most ambitious one, the one you see as your biggest achievement.
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