Your best performing AdSense format

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They call him Danger Man!
Jun 25, 2006
My best performing AdSense format is a Medium Rectangle floated left in my content column.

My worst is a skyscraper to the right of my content.

What about all of you? What works, what doesn't?

a links unit on my site gets quite a few clicks, but i think my 728x90 banners get the most clicks.
Single Line Text Ads act great as Navbar sometimes but mostly only a few links are being displayed depending on the content.

For everything else I prefer the standard Banner Size Image/Text Ads.
My right hand skyscrapers actually perform quite well. Better than plain affiliate ads certainly.
Charlie said:
My right hand skyscrapers actually perform quite well. Better than plain affiliate ads certainly.
Maybe it's time to experiment with some AdSense ads butted up against the content in different ways, then, to see if you can make even more money? I've never heard of skyscrapers performing very well.
250x250 block right in the content column, I wouldnt float it left, it's annoying IMO. would cost to me too much return traffic.
I have started tracking my ads but I get such low traffic (pretty good CTR though) that it will take a while to see the real figures.

I am using a link box unit that is clevery placed and half banners in my content (thin column).
I've got a car site and I put some adsense on it. Don't get that much traffic yet and was only getting around 1.5% CTR for the first month. I added some video to the site and stuck a link unit right underneath the flash video. I'm now getting around 4.5% CTR at the moment but I've only made about $10 all up in about 2 months.
I get nothing from Adsense, so this may be a result of my small sample, but a strange thing. I've experimented with all the obvious - leaderboard below the logo, ad unit in upper left above the navigation and so forth. Surprisingly, again and again, I ge the most clicks from a tower that's way down below the fold on the left below almost everything useful. In other words, only the users who are actually scrolling pretty far down see it. I'll balance it with a banner at the top and something on the top right and yet, there it is. Against all expecation, my typical user seems to enjoyr scrolling first, clicking later.
For blogs I usually use a 300x250 or 250x250 square right above the content, or to the left of the content at the top.
I have tried changing on my blog quite a bit to try to get over 2% CTR but it has been tough. I use a link unit where navigation would be at the top and try to move around blocks and skyscrapers to the left or right of the content but within that content column.

I tend to agree with others that getting your ads as close to the content as possible will definitely help.
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