You have reached and exceeded your budget..

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New member
May 3, 2008
i've been getting this message for about 5-6 days now. doing a google search came back with the account is probably under review. Its been over 5 days now so i don't know if that's the case or not anymore. the account actually spends 500$ everyday then stops. the limit on each campaign is well over 500$ in the xx,xxx range...

ive tried changing the budget on both accounts that din't do anything. But right now actually i just looked at the billing preference page and i see a bar that says i will be billed every 500$ this looks new to me because im on post pay and i never see a bar there that actually looks like its being filled up per 500$.

And recently before this happpend they charged a large amount to my bank account which had a limit so the charge din't get through. i had to call the bank the next weekday and had it increased but my ads had stopped on the day before since i incured a large charge. this is the reason maybe they were reviewing my account but its been so long that i don't think its a review. anyone have any ideas?
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Is the credit card that bounced still in your billing preferences? If they removed it (which they will when a charge is denied), then that may be the cause.. that you dont have a credit card in there.
well the reason i din't wanna talk to support was exactly what web said. i have some campaigns google would probably slap if they saw them. but i ended up calling them today and talked to a woman. I don't think she knew to much about adwords or she dint care to look to far into the account but she sent it over to billing so im guessing it was a billing issue. they were probably limiting my account after that huge bill i racked up. needless to say everything is running smoothly now.
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