You guys should sign out this library book..

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New member
Feb 6, 2008
Picked it up at the Riley branch of the public library in Vancouver, Canada. Noticed it while cruising for Richard Scary vids for the kids.

Hey my tax dollars paid for this. My gift from me to you:

Name of book:
Busted!: Drug War Survival Skills, From the Buy to the Bust to Begging for Mercy
by M. Chris Fabricant, Defense Attorney

"Most people don't sit around doing lines or rolling on E. by themselves. If you do, you can safely skip this section and perhaps consider a spot of counseling. The law recognizes that most people who party, party together, and it has come up with a typically simple solution: bust everyone. The cops aren't going to pull over a smoke-filled car with burning blunts and try to figure out whom they're going to bust...The cops are going to bust 'em all and let the DA sort 'em out."

Another except:
"...when a cop asks for consent it doesn't sound like a request: it sounds like an order. Refuse, and the police will tell you that don't need your consent - and they may be right - but it doesn't matter what they say or how they say it, never consent to a search..."

I'm telling you guys, this guy is a great writer, I haven't smoked dope in more than fifteen years and every page is a classic.

Absolute must read

My mom is a narcotics officer sergeant and she told me that if I ever am in that situation, admit to nothing and don't give any consent. They won't want to waste their time with you.
My mom is a narcotics officer sergeant and she told me that if I ever am in that situation, admit to nothing and don't give any consent. They won't want to waste their time with you.

I denied consent once, and they called in the k-9 unit :D
The cops in my area are dicks when i wont let them search my car, and they ask every time they pull me over, i dont do drugs at all either... wtf
i had a very funny experience with k-9

I wish sig links weren't allowed so stupid fucking posts like this wouldn't be made.

[ame=""]YouTube - Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Don't Talk to Cops, Part 2[/ame]
i hate how weed is classified as a narcotic when its an extremely mild hallucinogen
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