You guys are all losing your touch...

Jimmy Clayton

New member
Feb 26, 2008
(I know that because this is in Canada, no one notices or cares, but whatever...)

[ame=""]Police shoot a man at Bellwoods and Dundas, Toronto - YouTube[/ame]

9 Shots + Taser for the win!

I don't know, sometimes a little self-restraint can be quite admirable.

I'm still trying to figure out why you would tase someone after you fire 9 shots.

I assume the cop that was shooting didn't want to reload?

Maybe one of his bros could have taken a few shots for good measure?

But then again, they were all probably like, "Dafuq is this guy going beast mode for?"
As a fellow Canadian, I'm confident in saying that these police were merely firing 9 polite warning shots so the criminal would know to brace himself before the reluctantly administered tasering.