You forgot blueberries

haha that's great

Here's a total fail that I never get tired of:

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

<WHITEVOICE> "What really happened on that Thursday morning here at Augusta Highschool that led to Chris wood's death" </WHITEVOICE>
<JIVETALKIN>Pfftbklurrgghhcchhh, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??!! SHIIIIIT! Im dying in this country-ass fucked up town.(SPIT)(TONGUE WAG) Shit flying in my mouth. Man fuck, i cant see....pollen. Let's get the fuck out this country motherfucker. i cant see.</JIVETALKIN>
<JIVETALKIN>Pfftbklurrgghhcchhh, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??!! SHIIIIIT! Im dying in this country-ass fucked up town.(SPIT)(TONGUE WAG) Shit flying in my mouth. Man fuck, i cant see....pollen. Let's get the fuck out this country motherfucker. i cant see.</JIVETALKIN>

There ain't no brother that can jive talk like three white guys from Australia

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]