You Could Soon Be Eating Shit... Literally.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Montreal, QC
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Solution to the Global Food Crisis - Let them eat TURD BURGERS!?‬‏[/ame]

:throwup: :repuke:

Mmm... soylent brown to compliment my soylent green. Lovely.

I wonder who will post an image of someone eating shit straight out of someone's butt?
Very funny, but it's a hoax.

1. The name they give is the director of UNESCO, not a research scientist.

2. Human feces would be a very poor source of protein. By mass, shit is mainly water, fibre, bile salts (where the brown colour comes from) and bacteria.

3. Why would a japanese research scientist have "shit burger" in English on his refrigerator?

I see yahoo news and a lot of blogs have picked up on this one too. Amazing how easy it is to broadcast total shit around the Internet. ;)
ummmm this is a joke... right?
