Yet another "HELP ME!" Arbi thread...(please?)

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New member
Feb 13, 2007
Edit:Thanks for your comments guys. I'm off to do more testing. Link taken down


I'm having very bad conversions with this layout:

Just 5 clicks out of 18. What's wrong with the layout?

This is the layout I followed from another abri campaign here
that got 40%-50%!

Any idea what's wrong? I'm bidding on the content network
for about $0.07.
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its b/c you dont pay attention to what ive said 50 times. fucking lazy singaporian.
Dude, there's plenty of information here already. You've only run the campaign what, 2 days? That's not enough time to say whether a layout works or not.

If it doesn't work for you try another layout! Do something different and be creative instead of just copying someone else's layout and say it doesn't work. There are other completely different layouts that convert well too. It's not a cut and dry, "copy this layout and we guarantee you a 40% CTR" otherwise all arbi sites would look exactly the same.

Why don't you look at other MFA (made for Adsense) sites and check out some of those designs?

Fucking green.

Your arbi ads aren't finding the right traffic.

Learn more about ad placement.

Test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, fucking shit, test. It's all over this forum......

Why don't you look at other MFA (made for Adsense) sites and check out some of those designs? And... test? You know, trial and error... not trial and forget it.

And listen, I don't have one arbi site yet. Why? Because I am educating myself, I am putting together a few plans, I'm getting to know other marketers, and I want to get it right the first time.

I may not have an arbi site yet but I can tell I know 30x+ more than you about the subject. Have you considered looking at some of these member's links? You know, their blogs? Seriously?

You have a lot of research to do.
5 clicks out of 18 pageviews or what ? That is not a bad conversion rate at all. That's 27% clickthrough rate, not bad. After 2 weeks you have a good idea if this layout will work for you or not. Good luck.
Don't you need a bigger sample to determine how close those results are to what your actual long-term CTR will be? If I flip a quarter 8 times and get heads twice and tails six times, do I have a reason to think the quarter is "rigged"? Of course not. On the other hand, if I flipped it a few hundred or a thousand times, and say 75% of the flips were heads, then I would have cause for concern. :)
Guys can you help me? I have a site selling BMWs. So far I have had two visitors, but not a single sale yet!

What am I doing wrong? ;)
18 page impressions? are you getting these numbers from your adsense stats?

You need to consider that an impression is counted each time an ad is loaded. Therefor, having multiple adsense ads on a page is going to inflate that number. Having 3 ads on that particular page would mean that each visitor would inflate the impressions by 3 times.

3 x 5 (visitors that clicked) = 15 impressions.

You had 18 impressions, right? So that's 6 actual visitors. Your click conversion ratio is running at 5/6 ... nothing to worry about. You're on the right path. :rasta:
18 page impressions? are you getting these numbers from your adsense stats?

You need to consider that an impression is counted each time an ad is loaded. Therefor, having multiple adsense ads on a page is going to inflate that number. Having 3 ads on that particular page would mean that each visitor would inflate the impressions by 3 times.

not necessarily - by default after login, google shows PAGE impressions.
you can run advanced reports and break it down:
Page reports will show an impression every time a user views a page displaying Google ads. We'll only report one page impression no matter how many Google ads are displayed on a page. For example, if a page with one half banner and one vertical banner is viewed once, we'll display one page impression.
Ad unit reports will show an impression every time a user views a Google ad unit on your page. For example, if a page with one half banner and one vertical banner is viewed once, we'll display two ad unit impressions.
Individual ad reports will show an impression for each individual ad that's shown in any ad unit. For example, if a page with one half banner and one vertical banner is viewed once, it will generate three ad impressions.
Sell Porches, they always convert 100%

Haha nice :)

In an effort to try to get some value out of this, what kind of sample size as far as impressions do you guys tend to want before you decide one site's CTR is better than another?

For example, say I'm split-testing two templates/layouts that have the exact same content and ad blocks just arranged differently. How big of a sample size would you look for before you decide a "winner" and a "loser"?
There is no easy answer. Really it's just common sense. If after 100 clicks on each template one is converting at 90% and the other at 10% there is a good bet you know the answer. Now in the same situation if one is converting at 40% and the other at 30% your gonna need lots more data.

I'd say once you are getting into thousands of click you have some pretty definitive evidence. But you can make a judgment call before then using common sense. Anything less then a couple hundred clicks it needs to be pretty damn obvious as really anything can happen in that small amount of clicks.
i pulled the plug at only 50 clicks today and i spent like 8 hours working on it over the last 2 days. it was sucking that badly. i kinda feel stupid now as that time could have been better spent apparently. i'll revisit it in april but i don't want to lose the momentum i have for march. weird thing is that this was a custom template i did for one of my first niches that is performing awesome with it.
I shoot for at least a hundred clicks, depending on the cost. Anywhere around $5 to $10 is within my comfort zone to test. Unless the page really sucks you will make some of it back in clicks. It's just the cost of testing.
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