Yet another fraudulent background autosubmitter

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LOL @ the screenshot with exact clicks/lead. What a dumbass.

But there will always be someone trying something blackhat/illegal , and which always comes back to fuck the legit ones.

The idea does seem pretty good though, and he might have been able to bank if the idiot hadn't posted it up on DP.

How many people are actually doing something like this but keeping it to themselves? Is there any way a network can actually know as long as he keeps the leads faily low?
This is the whole reason why email/zip submits get scrubbed like crazy. Direct Track really needs to open up a new way to allow advertisers to scrub per pub-id, instead of network-wide.
How many people are actually doing something like this but keeping it to themselves? Is there any way a network can actually know as long as he keeps the leads faily low?
There are definitely tools at a network's disposal that can help find these people. Of course it gets much easier as the volume goes up, but greed is such that people like this are never satisfied with low lead counts.
This is the whole reason why email/zip submits get scrubbed like crazy. Direct Track really needs to open up a new way to allow advertisers to scrub per pub-id, instead of network-wide.

It is the whole reason why email subs suck, programs like this kill it for everyone else.

This has nothing to do with Direct Track, affiliates should report programs like these and those who use torrents to promote email subs as the email has nothing to do with how the advertiser makes money, they need the people to opt in to offers in the path

Steve if you wouldnt mind passing along the guys name so i can make sure he isnt part of our network too.
It is the whole reason why email subs suck, programs like this kill it for everyone else.

This has nothing to do with Direct Track, affiliates should report programs like these and those who use torrents to promote email subs as the email has nothing to do with how the advertiser makes money, they need the people to opt in to offers in the path

Steve if you wouldnt mind passing along the guys name so i can make sure he isnt part of our network too.

Either way, if it were possible for the advertiser to scrub selectively, wouldn't the legit submit affiliates benefit right away.
Either way, if it were possible for the advertiser to scrub selectively, wouldn't the legit submit affiliates benefit right away.

it would but how does the advertiser make up for the loss? You guessed right, by penalizing good traffic until they make it back. So those using scripts are stealing your money, messed up if you ask me but email subs are the biggest fraud target out there
it would but how does the advertiser make up for the loss? You guessed right, by penalizing good traffic until they make it back. So those using scripts are stealing your money, messed up if you ask me but email subs are the biggest fraud target out there

I totally understand that such tools and tactics are a large factor of the scrubbing status, I just wanted to talk a bit about how the tracking platform itself can be improved so the effectiveness of submits is still high for legit affiliates.
You'd think the idiots over at DP would delete the thread and ban the OP. I guess that's asking too much, though.
it would but how does the advertiser make up for the loss? You guessed right, by penalizing good traffic until they make it back. So those using scripts are stealing your money, messed up if you ask me but email subs are the biggest fraud target out there
Advertisers should already be scrubbing selectively. They should be capturing sub-ID data from the networks, then checking lead profitability on an affiliate-by-affiliate basis. They should then be pulling non-profitable affiliates from their campaigns. People with zero profitability (like this CPAExtreme guy), should be pulled AND have their leads reversed. I know this isn't technically scrubbing, but it effectively does the same.

Unfortunately, not all advertisers are capable or interested in doing this.
You'd think the idiots over at DP would delete the thread and ban the OP. I guess that's asking too much, though.
The only no-no at DP seems to be faking out a signature before you have a high enough post count to "earn" one. One of my AM's got banned there for that in the past.

Anything else goes there. Self-promotion, fraud, incessant "PM me" posts, postwhores. You name it, it seems okay there.

I really only go there to catch cheaters.
The only no-no at DP seems to be faking out a signature before you have a high enough post count to "earn" one. One of my AM's got banned there for that in the past.

Anything else goes there. Self-promotion, fraud, incessant "PM me" posts, postwhores. You name it, it seems okay there.

I really only go there to catch cheaters.

I get banned weekly, DP is all garbage and politics.
Well, I guess C2M won't have to deal with potential fraud from this...

Affiliate fraud blows, and there needs to be more of an effort on the part of the networks and the advertisers to prevent it. For example, if a zip submit advertiser sees more than X leads come from the same IP (across all email submit brandings and networks they have the offer at), there should be an additional screening step (be it a CAPTCHA, or something to throw off automated software) or automatic scrubbing. It's so easy to put methods in place to scrub by IP, IP range, and/or a cookie set by the merchant without scrubbing all affiliates on an offer, but they choose not to because it's more profitable to take high casualties than insure affiliates get paid properly.
Advertisers should already be scrubbing selectively. They should be capturing sub-ID data from the networks, then checking lead profitability on an affiliate-by-affiliate basis. They should then be pulling non-profitable affiliates from their campaigns. People with zero profitability (like this CPAExtreme guy), should be pulled AND have their leads reversed. I know this isn't technically scrubbing, but it effectively does the same.

Unfortunately, not all advertisers are capable or interested in doing this.
You hit the nail on the head, Steve. I've seen merchants not track on an affiliate-by-affiliate quality level, and raise payouts to an incentive publisher while lowering payouts to all other publishers due to a misunderstanding of quality, with no back-end checks. It's SO easy for any merchant with a half-capable technical team to integrate something like this into a lead-based system, even if they're forced to run manual reports every week. In the end, it works out better for legit affiliates and the advertiser, and helps to drive scum out of the industry (or to competitors of the advertiser, who will become unprofitable).
i thought email sub. advertisers did scrub on sub-ids and non-profitable affiliates. I thought that would be the only way they could make a decent profit. Get rid of the bad, and keep the good. That's basic affiiate marketing. They are screwing themselves over by not doing that.
LOL I don't think anyone on DP has $499, but seriously shouldn't these guys be easy to spot? Chances are they either only do email/zip submits or it makes up a large portion of their income and their referrer (spoofed) info shows a website with no stats in quantcast,, or alexa.
LOL @ the screenshot with exact clicks/lead. What a dumbass.

But there will always be someone trying something blackhat/illegal , and which always comes back to fuck the legit ones.

The idea does seem pretty good though, and he might have been able to bank if the idiot hadn't posted it up on DP.

How many people are actually doing something like this but keeping it to themselves? Is there any way a network can actually know as long as he keeps the leads faily low?

I know this was being done in late 2006 and I know of at least a couple guys that made $xx,xxx doing this and was never caught.
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