Yelp Scraper - Automated Scraping Bot

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Sep 4, 2008
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Yelp Scraper

Yelp has business data and you want it! What do you do? Buy BeerNut's Yelp Scraper and scrape away! Its only $39.00 you can sell the scraped data and make way more than that.

This new scraper is a full fledged Yelp category scraper. You pick the city, state, and category and let the bot do the rest. Yelp Scraper will scrape all available data about a business listing except reviews and multiple images.

What you can scrape?

Business Name, Address, Phone, Website, Rating, Category, Details, Yelp URL, and Main Img URL. Details are things like "Hours:" "Smoking:" "Caters:" etc that you see below a normal Yelp listing. I have made sure that it will grab them all.

Attached is some sample data.

What it does not scrape?

Reviews, Downloads Images, Multiple Images. Sorry I did not want to complicate things by grabbing the reviews for each business. That would ruin the easy to use csv output. I also only wrote support to grab the main image for the business.

What are its limits?

I have noticed that Yelp limits all searches to 1,000 listings. They may say they have 16,000 in a category, but they will only show you 1,000. So the limit is 1k and its set by Yelp not me. Using proxies will not overcome this limit. The bot does not use the API so this is the only limit.

Can I use Proxies?

Yes proxy support is included, for private and public proxies. If you want them to work 100% set your private proxies to IP Auth not user pass. I can not say it will work with all private proxy companies that use a user/pass for their use.

Do I Need Proxies?

I have done a scrape of 1,000 listings (the cap) without proxies. It worked fine. Will Yelp get angry if you start another 1k right after the first or scrape all day long? You probably will. If you need supported private proxies we recommend ProxyBonanza.

What's it cost?

I am pricing it at $39.00. There is a near unlimited amounts of data on Yelp. Use the data your self, sell the data, lots of money to be made. If you can't make $39.00 using this bot you need to go back to McDonald's.



    66.4 KB · Views: 92

FYI I was writing a Yelp scraper before BeerNuts told me he was too. My word of advice: don't scrape too much too fast. I got my IP banned scraping thousands of pages. Proxies are where it's at.
I've tested this out. The scraper does exactly what he says it will do. Drops name, address, phone and url into a csv. There are a good many other catagories, too that are open such as Price Range, Accepts Credit Cards, Parking, Attire...etc. Most of those are not filled out by the listing itself, however if it is, you'll grab that info too.

The only snag I ran into was setting the delimiters in excel so that I could properly read the file. Grant explains what you have to do in his README.txt but, unless you're really familiar with how your version of excel works on your specific computer, you may struggle a bit. I've got 2007 excel on windows vista and for this version you must import the file and change the delimiters while you import it. Once I figure that out, the file was easy to read and use.

I could see this being used as a good way to grab leads. If you're familiar with the way yelp works you can see what these people are paying for (if anything) for the "privilage" of listing themselves on yelp and then sell them your services for less money (maybe) and more value (surely).

My only suggestions for further versions of this would be to narrow down the categories even more ( might be too much to take on) For example: I could scrape all the lawyers in dallas but couldn't narrow it down to the types of lawyers.

Over all if you want a yellowpage type scraper with the addition bells and whistles that yelp offers, this one is a good choice for the money.
I've tested this out. The scraper does exactly what he says it will do. Drops name, address, phone and url into a csv. There are a good many other catagories, too that are open such as Price Range, Accepts Credit Cards, Parking, Attire...etc. Most of those are not filled out by the listing itself, however if it is, you'll grab that info too.

The only snag I ran into was setting the delimiters in excel so that I could properly read the file. Grant explains what you have to do in his README.txt but, unless you're really familiar with how your version of excel works on your specific computer, you may struggle a bit. I've got 2007 excel on windows vista and for this version you must import the file and change the delimiters while you import it. Once I figure that out, the file was easy to read and use.

I could see this being used as a good way to grab leads. If you're familiar with the way yelp works you can see what these people are paying for (if anything) for the "privilege" of listing themselves on yelp and then sell them your services for less money (maybe) and more value (surely).

My only suggestions for further versions of this would be to narrow down the categories even more ( might be too much to take on) For example: I could scrape all the lawyers in dallas but couldn't narrow it down to the types of lawyers.

Over all if you want a yellowpage type scraper with the addition bells and whistles that yelp offers, this one is a good choice for the money.

Hi Turbo,

Thanks for the review, I am glad you were finally able to figure out the csv import problem.

I will add the lawyers on the next update. I only went 2 categories deep because I couldn't find many 3rd level categories. Ill try to find a way to better go though the sub categories and find the 3rd level. Once i find them it will be an easy 10min fix.

To anyone else the price is still $39.00 which is a great deal, people still pay $100 for yellow page scrapers. Now is your chance to take advantage of all of the data that Yelp offers for far less.
The Yelp Scraper just got its first update!

Whats New?

I have added a 3rd level of categories just like turbolapp has suggested. Which means we now cover EVERY category available on Yelp!

I also added a Category Slug option. This is if you know the url slug of the category you want to scrape and do not want to find it in the 3 lists of categories. To find the category slug browse to the category you want to scrape in Yelp Example: Yelp | Search Businesses In San Francisco for this url the category slug would be localservices this is what you would put into the category slug box. You can always find the category slug by the "cflt=" tag in your url.

The bot is still $39.00 and a amazing deal for what you get.
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