Yahoo SM keeps declining my keywords?


Feb 18, 2010
So im pushing this offer with yahoo ppc right now and my keywords keep getting denied, yet they are 100% relevant to my offer and its landing page content. Is Yahoo just hit or miss or like a flip of the coin with this? is it totaly random? I heard that it might have hit human review, but i doubt it on saturday night at 1:00am. Anybody here had the same trouble? Any answers greatly appreciated as this is driving me insane! Thank you:food-smiley-010:

Weight loss is getting heavily denied on YSM esp with flog combination... If that's your niche that might be the problem.

I've had it happen several times. From my experience it mostly comes down to luck (except that weight loss stuff).
Thanks for the reply Jose. I head that weight loss products were getting flagged also, but my offer is a simple zip submit for an electronics product. All of my longtail and specific keywords have been approved, but the general terms such as: samsung tv, free samsung tv, free samsung widescreen, etc have all been denied. However, I am running other campaigns right now and those same types of keywords(just switch the company name) have been approved. Im hoping it is random, and that I get lucky and they get approved soon, because its a great converting offer but im missing out on probably 3/4 of the traffic i should be getting! Thanks for the help bro
Trademarks get heavily declined in YSM, at least that's what I'm getting. In fact, I've even had several emails sent where they threatened if I don't stop adding irrelevant keywords.

Of course WHO KNOWS what is relevant because perfectly relevant kws made them start sending me those emails. So right now whenever the kws get that reddish tag of "editorial pending" I just delete em. I rather stay under the radar and not poke around too much... because when you get manually reviewed and you have 50k kws in the account you're fucked. Why? They want you to manually weed our the irrelevant kws.

That specific denial probably has something to do with the company not allowing trademark bidding.

I suggest you just forget about it and search for other kws.
Yeah i just tried re-adding them again and sure enough Editorial Pending right away. Its strange how one company will get autoflagged and then ive used a bunch of other companies and they work perfectly fine.
I think im just gonna take my approved keywords and just up my bids and get them as high as possible
lol ysm is bullshit when it comes to approvals. say hi to matthew ceravolo, motherfucker cost me major $$$
lol ysm is bullshit when it comes to approvals. say hi to matthew ceravolo, motherfucker cost me major $$$

Lol you know him too?

I had to delete like 4 full accounts of profitable campaigns because of his interventions.
Lol you know him too?

I had to delete like 4 full accounts of profitable campaigns because of his interventions.

ya, the dude is famous but i doubt the name is real.

TBH If I would be that guy, I'd be scared of my ride home every night. first of all because advertisers hate him, and shareholders hate him too because the dude kills off good money and bans people for no reason.
ya, the dude is famous but i doubt the name is real.

TBH If I would be that guy, I'd be scared of my ride home every night. first of all because advertisers hate him, and shareholders hate him too because the dude kills off good money and bans people for no reason.

Say hi to Lorretta Knight too who killed 4 of my YSM accounts and yea hi Matthew Ceravolo fuck you too.
LOL @ affiliates calling yahoo reps out...the reps are HONESTLY dumb asses - both for display and search. They have no idea of their technology and even their policies. Also their reps cost me major losses.

@ OP: yeah, I'm trying to push an email submit type offer and I have the EXACT SAME problem. I'm pushing an email submit offer and first it shows "editorial pending" for my keywords and then BAM - denied.
Matthew definitely has a control issue. He just looks to ban people. The funny thing is you can add relevant keywords using Yahoo's keyword suggestion tool then get banned in an hour for irrelevant keywords... lulz
ysm is super gay about trademarked keywords too. I'd be banging two chicks at the same time right now if they would just approve my shit.
