yahoo slow to bat

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New member
Aug 7, 2007
What is it with yahoo this week? every time i edit an ad or make a new one it takes two bloody days to get through the editorial review. it used to be instant or at worst an hour if i was doing something shady.
f*ckers, i am sick of this shit they are costing me big right now.

i get apologies from my rep but no action.

anyone else getting this too or am i just the lucky one?

Yahoo this week the finger is for you ,,l,

What do you expect from a company that makes you spend $1600 before they'll let you use their import feature. They just don't fucking care, they only have their ad platform around still to keep pace with the other 2 until someone buys the company.
Yeah, this is fucking retarded. I had to wait a week before they would approve my acai ads. wtf? they should get their shit together for once.
Nothing new, they have been doing this forever, some times are better than others, but I have had to wait 5 days before. Disgusting.
Welcome to why I dont use Yahoo for anything. Split testing is a pain in the ass, it's glitchy, and I rarely see an epc near what I can get out of other places. And the traffic doesn't even largely come from yahoo.
Fuck 'em.
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