Yahoo Search Marketing Account, everything goes directly to editorial pending????

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New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm curious if anyone has found a solution to this.

The problem is that everything that I put into my YSM account goes directly to "editorial pending" and then pretty much 99% of ads and keywords get declined. It is really really frustrating and has made my account practically useless for creating new campaigns or editing current ones. I was wondering if anyone knows why they this happens? Do they flag your account for some reason that causes everything to go to editorial pending instead of getting approved right away? I notice that when I have a new account this doesn't happen and things get "approved" and are active almost immediately?

I've created several new accounts and most of them seem to have this problem after a while, but it verys per account.

My only suspision is that my account might be getting flagged because I import fairly large campaigns through the import feature. And maybe this puts up a "red flag" as some sort of abuse?

Any ideas?


That's the way it is. If your keywords happen to be in their list due to some reason(copyrights, illigal, missleading), they'll have to review it. Some keywords are preapproved though. Ads must be reviewed manually, no preapproved.
Yeah I have one account that I still lets all my keywords be automatically active, but in another account if I set up the exact same campaign all the keywords are set to "editorial pending" YSM just doesn't make sense. They really need to get there stuff up to speed.
Word of advice...delete all keywords that are set to pending immediately, they're probably going to get rejected anyway. That way, with nothing awaiting editorial review, your account doesn't get further scrutiny, and you don't get the keywords you did sneak through disabled.
Same shit happened to me. I just deleted and kept resubmitting until they went through.
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