Yahoo Search Impressions Dead?


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Woke up to a big fat donut for search impressions. A couple of content, but something is definitely up.

Got money in account and Quality index is same. Ad status normal.

Anybody seeing this or know whats up?

Edit: Adcenter Imps seem to be up a bit more than normal, could something be brewing with the partnership?

Having the same exact problem. I called my rep and he said there are multiple people it happened to and that tech is looking into it. Who knows anymore.
Same here, rep said there's some technical issues affecting some accounts. they're fixing it
Thanks guys, guess its better that its a global and not an account problem
ditto here, thought at first they were pulling a G and dropping ban hammers...but I think Y! needs all the $ they can get
If it makes you guys feel any better, I know of at least 1 multi-billion dollar company that is down on YSM right now. Who knows what the hell is going on though.
If it makes you guys feel any better, I know of at least 1 multi-billion dollar company that is down on YSM right now. Who knows what the hell is going on though.
It's affecting a number of large accounts. And some resellers/affiliates normally relegated to lower positions are reaping the benefits :).
ditto here, thought at first they were pulling a G and dropping ban hammers...but I think Y! needs all the $ they can get

^not true.

they now make you add terms and have started to remove flogs etc from health and weight loss terms. also, don't even bother trying to get through when it comes to yahoo display. they completely banned rebills there. I heard that they are taking about 70-100 million loss per year on that alone.
everything back to normal for my account as well. looks like things shut down yesterday in the evening for a lot of accounts, but it appears to be resolved now.
Impressions started coming back for me too. Thought I had been banned from yahoo too. Whewww