Yahoo Publisher Network Placement Report

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Extreme Ultra VIP
Aug 3, 2008
Does anyone here know how the hell I can run a placement report on the "content match" results on YSM?

I can do this on google by running the placement report and adding poor performing sites to the blocked domain list, but I can't work out how to run a placement report on YSM. It also looks like you have to block on a per-account basis rather than a per-campaign basis which sucks ass...

Anyone have any ideas?

I asked my rep and she told me there are no Placement Reports :(

I'm with you, Dream Machine. Not much use looking at referrers. It's the impressions that I want to see, not just the clicks.
Yeah, I've had to use Propser as well, unfortunately.

Here's a trick though guys... analyze -> referers will give you impression numbers.
I was going to ask you - have you tried that?

Nah, they won't let you block .yahoo domain.

No problems... it's not perfect because Yahoo is just fucking awful for passing referrers (at least for me) so I only normally get about 3/4 referrers and 1/4 [no referrer] but it's better than nothing.

It's pretty common, even with MSN. Guess that's user's issue. Sucks cause there's leads coming from no referrer and there's no way to find out, only keyword.
Yeah, I've had to use Propser as well, unfortunately.

Here's a trick though guys... analyze -> referers will give you impression numbers.

In P202? That figure is click-throughs from each referrer, not ad impressions through YSM content network. As I said, pretty damn handy and better than nothing at all... but not as handy as a placement report.
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