Yahoo PPC Account FS $73 Inside

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Rating - 100%
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Not sure if this is allowed, if so let me know. I have a Yahoo PPC account that has $73.80 sitting in it and none of my keywords are fucking converting. I don't feel like dealing with that shit, so I'm selling the account to the highest bidder. I'm looking for offers around $60. I'm not in this to scam, its only $60... However I am a cheap bastard, so you must be a pretty well known guy with some sort of reputation on either this forum or another. If you need to take a look at my iTrader, I'll show you one from a different forum where I'm a lot more active. Let me know if you're interested, and don't fucking MSN me about it. Just PM me. Aight peace.

That $73 + azoogle + wordze keywords should get you a good roi - keep experimenting, it will pay off in the end.
Well said JonDoe. Knowing how to not lose money is the first step to success.
The amount of posts somebody has is irrelevant to how successful they are online. Of course I'll be able to turn a profit with the money in the account, its just the fact that I could be doing something else that would make more money then worrying about fitting into the mold of Yahoo PPC right now.
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