Yahoo/MSN/Bing - PPC Accurate Demographics?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I'm confused on how they actually know the searcher is female, age 20-38, etc. Just trying to understand it more to see if their demo targeting is really that accurate. Thanks for the help.



They can't know. If they are lucky like quantcast they can get the information from the cable company and then it is just in summary form.

Facebook and other non-SE sites are the best places for demographic information. People give that up willingly.
If they are lucky like quantcast they can get the information from the cable company
And where did you ever get that idea?

Demographics are either linked directly to user provided data in user profiles, or estimated based on search query/service usage behavior.
The demographics are only reported when the system is 99% sure of the users gender or age..... this is determined by user data, because of the the number of members, and the typical audience of Yahoo search and Yahoo owned and operated sites are our members, ads can be delivered based upon demo targeting by their registration information. Again though ads are only served on demo targeted campaigns if the system is 99% sure oi the end user demographics match your targeting.

I hope this helps to answer your question...