Yahoo Acquires MyBlogLog

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I'm sure he'll mention it tonight on his show, if not on his blog earlier in the day.
What I find interesting is this was already out in Nov....

"Valleywag started a rumor in November that Yahoo had bought MyBlogLogMarketingShift early today, adding a $10 million price tag - that post was quickly pulled, suggesting that it was either incorrect or too early."

It's easy to make predictions with things already known or in the works ;)
If any of you were listening to the SEO Rockstars show today, Shoemoney was bought on and they asked him how he knew and he said that he was talking to his friends on MyBlogLog who kind of hinted there was something big happening :) I think it was because of that awesome widget they have which lets you see the last visitors and pictures next to comments
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What people don't always mention is that some of these deals are done with stock exchanges (either pure stock or 90% stock and 10% cash).

The stock might only go out of a moratorium period after a number of years.

So if the company who buys you does an Enron in the meantime, you can take your original stock value and divide it by a hundred.
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