.xxx - feast or famine?

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laguna beach

paintin walls
May 25, 2008
cell block D
I bought .xxx domains back in the day and now the TLD's fate is in the hands of the arbitrators. ICM vs. ICANN

This is the dilemma: They could be worth 2 cents or they could be worth big bucks. Would you spend your time developing a site(s) in hopes that the TLD goes live- projected September, October 2009 by some, or would you just leave it alone until it actually happens? .xxx was fully approved and fell under the "old" rules and not the new gTLD rules. Only got canned because the US Dept of Commerce and Religious Right applied pressure in the right places. I am also concerned the arbitrators may be on the payroll... no proof- just sayin'!!!

I think specialty TLD (least thats what I call em if they're not .com .net or .org), are generally for region-specific businesses, to sell on the hype that they may be big news, or simply if you failed at getting the same name on a .com .net or .org.

So in the end they're just a way of paying some country you don't live in a tax for using their TLD, and market wise is probably not work anything unless the domain is 5 chars or less.
Only got canned because the US Dept of Commerce and Religious Right applied pressure in the right places.

that's not the whole story... a large portion of the adult industry is opposed to .xxx, because of the potential ghettoification of adult sites... the religious right is opposed to it because they are afraid it would legitimize the online adult industry... oddly enough it's probably the only time the religious right and the adult industry agree on anything, lol...

the potential for censorship with .xxx is huge... the powers that be could easily pass some law requiring all adult sites to be on .xxx, and then institute mandatory filtering blocking the entire TDL... a lot of other countries that are already somewhat strict on porn would just block the entire TDL too...

I'll get out of adult before I ever consider using a .xxx domain... for one they cost too damn much... and I have a hard enough time trying to get people to my non-.com domains as is...

.xxx = fail
i doubt ICANN could force adult sites to give up a valuable .com domain for ZERO consideration and force them to .xxx. That would be lawsuit central. I just see more porn for the masses... which is just simply awful!!!
i doubt ICANN could force adult sites to give up a valuable .com domain for ZERO consideration and force them to .xxx. That would be lawsuit central. I just see more porn for the masses... which is just simply awful!!!

no, I'm not talking about ICANN... I'm talking about the US legislature passing a LAW that requires all adult sites to be forced into a .xxx ghetto... probably under a 'protect the children' bill or something similar...

and before you say something to the effect of the US not controlling the rest of the world... I'd like to point out that the majority of the porn purchasing public is the US market... all US based adult companies (which is the majority of em) would be forced to comply... and the foreign companies would be potentially unable to bill any US customers...

not saying that's for sure going to happen... but I have heard rumors that ICM has helped write a bill to that effect and they are just sitting and waiting for .xxx to be approved so they can introduce it...

I have to hand it to ICM for the hustle... if they pull this off it'll be quite a racket for them...
If the arbiters decide to open up .xxx but don't restrict porn sites to just .xxx domains, I can see a few being worth big bucks. If you own sex.xxx, porn.xxx etc etc whatnot, you've got a winner as long as the arbiters allow it to open
this again? fuckin' a - .xxx = fail.

ICM didn't have first rights to it anyways but I suppose that's a completely different story
If the arbiters decide to open up .xxx but don't restrict porn sites to just .xxx domains, I can see a few being worth big bucks. If you own sex.xxx, porn.xxx etc etc whatnot, you've got a winner as long as the arbiters allow it to open

I read something about this before... all the good ones like porn.xxx or sex.xxx are already reserved by ICM and would be auctioned off...
Do you seriously think ICM is going to be able to pull off that sort of legislation right now? Are you aware of the liberal majority in the current house of representatives? And what about that Obama guy? Dispatching torture camps and destroying the internet porn industry do not go hand in hand. Further, and as a side note, the religious right loves porn in the anonymity of their own home- I'm sure ICM could never get legislation passed that would move pr0n to its own TDL.
Do you seriously think ICM is going to be able to pull off that sort of legislation right now? Are you aware of the liberal majority in the current house of representatives? And what about that Obama guy? Dispatching torture camps and destroying the internet porn industry do not go hand in hand. Further, and as a side note, the religious right loves porn in the anonymity of their own home- I'm sure ICM could never get legislation passed that would move pr0n to its own TDL.

you seem to be under some retarded misconception that the democrats are porn-friendly...
democrats, rebuplicans, retards and people who use the words ghetto and ghettoization still masturbate. double standard. i obviously have a vested interest in .xxx, so yes I hope it succeeds but it is an uphill battle. sux for me.
Personally, I wouldn't waste much time developing anything to do with adult. I'd just hold on to the domains to possibly sell at a later date. (if they're actually good)

Do you seriously think ICM is going to be able to pull off that sort of legislation right now? Are you aware of the liberal majority in the current house of representatives? And what about that Obama guy? Dispatching torture camps and destroying the internet porn industry do not go hand in hand. Further, and as a side note, the religious right loves porn in the anonymity of their own home- I'm sure ICM could never get legislation passed that would move pr0n to its own TDL.

Why not? It seems to be that seperating porn and mainstream sites would be favorable.
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