Xrumer Mods


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
Does anybody know where A)I can either get xrumer mods for free or B) can purchase legit xrumer mods? I'm specifically looking for mods that will allow me to post to pligg, blogs, article directories, moodles, wikis etc. Post here or hit me on pm.


I would tell you to check out the custom VIP mods on Xrchat.info, but it appears their login page is broken so I can't login to check if they have what you're wanting.

It's not hard to teach Xrumer to post on those. All you have to do is edit the AI and a couple other files to show it how to go through the posting process. There are articles on that above forum that will show you how to do that.
I would tell you to check out the custom VIP mods on Xrchat.info, but it appears their login page is broken so I can't login to check if they have what you're wanting.

It's not hard to teach Xrumer to post on those. All you have to do is edit the AI and a couple other files to show it how to go through the posting process. There are articles on that above forum that will show you how to do that.

Thanks for the info. I've been trying to login to xrchat for the past couple days but login has been broke like you said. I figured it wouldn't be too hard to write the mods.

The xrumer docs suck and doesn't tell you what you need to do exactly. I've been looking for some docs on it but can't find any. Not even on the botmaster forum. Do you know what the couple other files are specifically?

I'm going to guess I need to provide field ID's in one of those text files and tell it what the id of the captcha field is. I don't know if it's that simple but that's my guess.
Anyone working with a Pligg modification? I managed to register on a few hundred sites, but the posting success rate simply suu-huuucks². Maybe someone with more knowledge on the topic is willing to help? i.e. what I have to change in the xas, in order to increase the success posting rate (and maybe how to scrape the direct URLs)?
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