XHTML, HTML5, JavaScript, PHP. where and how to start?


New member
Mar 9, 2012

I started to learn XHTML 1.0 STRICT on WikiBooks but than I saw there is also HTML5..and I'm a little confused what to study..
I also saw some books like "Learn HTML and CSS with W3SCHOOLS" or "HTML dog".. What is the most update and comprehensive there is?


dchuck, I didn't find HTML there...
worldelitle, I know I need to start with HTML and CSS, my question is, with all the versions and different books I know where to start..
as world elite said:

begin with HTML5 + css.
Then move on to php & JS

HTML5 is just a new version of HTML, just make sure you first understand the basics of HTML then move on to the HTML5 specific stuff (which is mostly just 'cool' stuff, can be very usefull but for not so much for just now and just simple normal websites)

also if you want check udemy.com for free (and also some paid) courses (no NOT my website)

I started to learn XHTML 1.0 STRICT on WikiBooks but than I saw there is also HTML5..and I'm a little confused what to study..
I also saw some books like "Learn HTML and CSS with W3SCHOOLS" or "HTML dog".. What is the most update and comprehensive there is?


It all depends on your end goal. If you are looking to be a PHP programmer than do down the following:

1. HTML - basics
2. CSS - basics
3. Javascript - basics
4. SSI - basics
5. PHP -basics

w3schools.com has all of that. Also, Google is your friend. StackOverflow is a great resource, so if you see that in your google results, check them out.

If your end goal is to be a website programmer:

1. HTML - basics
2. CSS - basics
3. Javascript - basics
4. jQuery / ajax - basics
5. Php / Perl / Python / Ruby on Rails - basics

Really, with XHTML, HTML 4.01, HTML 5.0, is all the same basic understanding, some annotation may change at the end of tags but that's really it. Learn the basic HTML first, w3school, then specifically google XHTML and HTM5, and the other stuff.

If you are looking to be a website designer:
1. HTML - basics
2. CSS - basics
3. Javascript - basics
4. Photoshop

If you are looking to create Apps or something:
1. C++ or some other real programming language. (PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby - are all scripting languages. )

Now, these are just my general guidelines, some others may want to make modifications or comment on this.

No matter what the masses think, just because you know a couple of things on a computer doesn't mean you know everything about a computer. Just because your IT guy can fix you computer doesn't mean he can program applications, do website design, or understand SEO and internet marketing. So without understanding what your end goal is, it's impossible to tell you what route to go.

You want to get in your car and drive, but where to?
It all depends on your end goal. If you are looking to be a PHP programmer than do down the following:

1. HTML - basics
2. CSS - basics
3. Javascript - basics
4. SSI - basics
5. PHP -basics

w3schools.com has all of that. Also, Google is your friend. StackOverflow is a great resource, so if you see that in your google results, check them out.

If your end goal is to be a website programmer:

1. HTML - basics
2. CSS - basics
3. Javascript - basics
4. jQuery / ajax - basics
5. Php / Perl / Python / Ruby on Rails - basics

Really, with XHTML, HTML 4.01, HTML 5.0, is all the same basic understanding, some annotation may change at the end of tags but that's really it. Learn the basic HTML first, w3school, then specifically google XHTML and HTM5, and the other stuff.

If you are looking to be a website designer:
1. HTML - basics
2. CSS - basics
3. Javascript - basics
4. Photoshop

If you are looking to create Apps or something:
1. C++ or some other real programming language. (PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby - are all scripting languages. )

Now, these are just my general guidelines, some others may want to make modifications or comment on this.

No matter what the masses think, just because you know a couple of things on a computer doesn't mean you know everything about a computer. Just because your IT guy can fix you computer doesn't mean he can program applications, do website design, or understand SEO and internet marketing. So without understanding what your end goal is, it's impossible to tell you what route to go.

You want to get in your car and drive, but where to?

I want to learn XHTML, CSS, PHP, and maybe JavaScript, and build different websites. (I learned about SEO and update my knowledge from time to time..)
Can you explain me the different between PHP programer to website programer?

I've pretty good knowledge in XHTML 1.0 STRICT and I learned CSS3 (beside animations and speech).
Later I saw not all browsers support HTML5 and CSS3.. so I'm a bit confused what to learn now because I don't want to build websites which are not supported by all browsers.
I googled for information on this but I found different views on the subject, so I would like to see what you guys think.

SteveFM, thank you too, I will check this site.