WYSIWYG Php editor?

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New member
Nov 22, 2006
Usually use Photoshop and Dreamweaver to design sites, but getting into some php stuff now. Especially php includes.

But in DW my php sites always look wonky. They look fine after I hit preview, but what a pain in the ass to have to hit preview after every little change.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, can someone either help or suggest a more user-friendly PHP editor. One that is more WYSIWYG accurate?

Thanks dudes,


Since PHP is server side, I'm not sure you're going to find one that works very well as a WYSIWYG. PHP has to be parsed first before outputting the pretty page.

How would you create a dynamic page with a WYSIWYG anyhow? I just don't see how you could do it?
Yeah, unless you can set up a server locally I don't think this can really be done.
And besides, setting up a LAMP stack isn't too hard when you're just using it for dev.
check out xampp

but there's no WYSIWYG program for PHP, because the code needs to be compiled before it can be displayed
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