[WTS] website:$1K per month,Potential Social Fans Reseller Site,Great for Newbies

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Aug 17, 2011
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3 Days. No Reserve. BIN With Valuable Bonus!
What are you bidding on?

You are bidding on CHEAP FAN SHOP a fans/followers/views/ reseller website. There are practically no other sites that offer ALL 4 of these services so this unique site has massive potential. This site is hosted on a Wordpress blog so making changes is super easy.

Everything including the payment form is already set up. Simply add your Paypal address and start getting paid right away.

Why is this business model so profitable?

You are going be a fans/followers/views/+s reseller. Meaning clients will order fans/followers/views/+s from you and you simply forward their order to the supplier (provider) who will take deliver their order. Super simple and low time investment.

Social Media is a extremely hot niche right now and an amazing opportunity to claim your portion of the profits. Every business nowadays is rushing to set up their Facebook/Twitter/Youtube campaigns because of all the attention social media marketing has been getting lately. Fan reseller websites are a GOLDEN opportunity for you.

The cool thing is… you don't really have to do much besides answering questions via emails and updating your clients on their order statuses.

This is an PROVEN business model, excellent for newbies who are just getting started with making money online! I used be really envious of people who could actually make a decent amount of money online. I tried everything from affiliate marketing to SEO to adsense, and PPC- and hardly ever any results. I now realize these methods CAN make you money, but they do require a LOT of knowledge and experience (trial and error) before you actually start earning money.

I only actually started actually making money online when I started reselling fans on my old site, fansfollowersshop.com. I fell in love with this business model because after a while you start getting repeat clients after a few weeks, so it's less work for more profits! This is because a lot of people who need fans/followers/views/1+s from you are social media marketing anagers with multiple clients.

What Kind of Profits Will You Make?

Popular Packages Price Examples:
1,000 Facebook Fans
Provider Charge: $25
Your Sale Price: $89
Your Profit: $49!

1,000 Twitter Followers
Provider Charge: $30
Your Sale Price: $69
Your Profit: $39!

These are the most popular packages that new clients will order. Of course you can price them how ever much you want, but I've tested various prices and have found these pretty effective. Once your clients order through you and trust you, they'll start ordering the bigger packages.. and that's when your profits start rolling in on autopilot ;)

The PayPal revenue proof that's attached is not from this website, but another fan reseller website I started completely scratch in early April. I attached the proof so you can see that it's possible to earn $900+/month your first month with little work. And that website only sold Facebook fans. The one you're bidding on now sells fans, followers, youtube views and Google +1 votes (which are really hot right now if you haven't noticed)… so that will double-triple your profits instantly!
The time you put in this business pretty much determines how much you make. If you take it seriously, I guarantee you can this business to a $4000/month business in 2 months.
While this site is pretty new, I have previously built fan reseller websites and have had success with them starting from scratch. I love this business model because you can get clients IMMEDIATELY and taking orders right away.

Why Should You Buy “Cheapfanshop.com”?
  • Great domain name
  • "Business in a box" - everything is all set up for you to take ownership of and start earning money
  • Offers not just fans but followers, +1s, and video views as well... no other site offers all of these!
  • Offers special package deals that increase your customer's order size
  • I actually have lots of experience in this industry and will give you advice that will save you TONS of time, money and frustration than if you bought some other random fan reseller site just cause it has lots of BIN bonuses ;)
There a lot of fan/follower/+1s/views reseller websites on Flippa, but none that combines ALL FOUR types of social media! My old website sold mainly fans, but I always got asked about YouTube views. Cheap Fan Shop allows you to provide your customers with all 4 types of services simultaneously, as well as give discounts for package deals (and I guarantee clients will ask for them).
This way, they wont have to get their fans from one site, followers from another, Youtube views from yet another, so they'll be more likely to use your service.

I don't know if you'll pay through BIN, but if you do, I will personally coach you to success. I’ll work with you personally over 4 weeks (1 skype call/week) and teach you EVERYTHING I know about making lots of money with this business model. This is what separates this offer from all the other cookie cutter fan reseller sites on Flippa.
After 2 months, the business will become pretty automatic to the point where most of your profit will be from clients who have worked with you in the past. This is less work for you so that's why I stress quality fans and great service.

(By the way any provider that charges less than $40 for 1k fans are probably giving fake fans. You might make more profit upfront, but you end up losing repeat customers due to crappy quality.)
Note: The testimonials are for design purposes only. You must remove them once the site is transferred.

What The Winner Will Get:
  • Premium domain name cheapfanshop.com
  • Free domain transfer to your Name.com account
  • Complete files, graphics, and content on the Cheap Fan Shop website
  • List of reliable suppliers’ info and pricing
  • Free website transfer to your hosting account
  • 20+ page, comprehensive pdf guide to running a reseller business (no other auction is going to offer you this)
  • 90 day full support and consultation for any questions you may have about the site
BIN Bonuses - Only If You Take Action Quickly!
  • I will personally coach you how to set up this business to guarantee success. I have a lot of experience with fan reseller websites and will teach you the ins and outs. So instead of getting stuck with a brand new website that you can't get any traffic to, you'll actually see deposits in your paypal account! I'll coach you on Skype once a week for a month. This is to ensure that you take immediate action. I will hold your hand and guide you to success every step of the way.
  • I will teach you my top 3 methods of getting clients right away- like 48-72 hours after setting this site up. These do not involve SEO so you'll see results in a few days, not weeks and months. I'll also show you my secret method to get $50 of Facebook/Google PPC advertising credits for very cheap.
  • I will give you a list of the best fan/follower/+1 suppliers I've tested (This is the GOLD right here and you won't get this from other fan reseller sites on here). You're going to save LOADS of time going trough different suppliers trying to find the best ones.
  • 3 months of personal email support
Happy Bidding!

Financial Details

This is a brand new site.
The revenue proof for another brand new fan reseller site I built a few months ago is attached . I worked about 3-5hrs/week and made $919 in April. No SEO or waiting for traffic. Pure gangster lead generation methods that I will be happy to reveal to the winner.
If you put in the time and treat this business somewhat seriously, you can expect about $3,000/month.



PRICE: 175$

So..since this is a brand new site..and has no traffic..basically you are charging $175 for the domain name? Oh a "purely gangster method of traffic" ? And we are just supposed to trust that? You said its not SEO/waiting for sales and its quick so why don't you use your gangster methods for a few days and THEN take a screenshot of THIS sites sales?

Thats like me saying, hey guys, i made facebook and made billions, well, i just made coolkidzbook.com and since fbook made billions this will too! No..doesn't work like that.

And to say $1k per month is a BLATANT LIE ! That is stats on your OLD site! Are you kidding me? Are you trying to scam people?? Any site has the POSSIBILITY of making $1k a month. And you just gave away your "secret" so what if I just copy+paste your source code and buy a $7 domain. Itd be the EXACT same thing you are selling here..only cost me $7! Since there is no SEO work done or anything like that.
yep its too much , all you do is go ebay find a seller who sells facebook likes , same with twitter

buy domain , use a template and make your own site for price of domain or pay some indian dude $10 to make you a site.

$175 down the $hitter if you buy this

to all my buddies,
this site has already sold for 199$ .....answers for all your questions :D :D :D
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