WTH: The biggest nerd on WF


New member
Jun 3, 2007
My todo list has been longer than the day for a few months now. While I really want to do everything myself, I've come to realize that I simply can't ... I'm merely human.

I'm looking to hire someone on a permanent basis to handle some of the techie stuff that I deal with day to day allowing me to be a bit more creative in my approach. The ideal candidate would be ...

A self starter (which makes me wonder why I'm posting this @WF)
PHP literate - skills are necessary, but I don't need a seasoned vet (although it wouldn't hurt)
Works at home - My schedule fluctuates a little so you've got to be a bit flexible.
Personality - I'm not all business, although my mind does stray that way from time to time. Boring prudes need not apply
Skype - it's the only way I communicate ... you will be expected to drop everything else
Internet savvy - When I talk about things like LAMP, DNS, RDC, APIs, SERPs, etc you should not need a translator.

You cannot be a gamer! The computer is a tool, not a toy. Disagree? You're not the person for me, enjoy being a broke ass.

I fully expect to get what I pay for so salary is open for negotiation, you'll have to be in a position for this to be all you do. I want to allow someone leave any other jobs behind because I surround myself with some brilliant people & do exciting shit every day ... I love it and you should share that passion without being held back by your paper route.

Hit me on PM with a paragraph (not a book) about yourself and your background, bonus points if you have something (script, site, etc) to bring to the table already that showcases some skills.

Long standing members of WF will be given preference for this position. Nepotism FTW
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have you considered outsourcing someone through oDesk or Elance?

I am currently employing a team I've hired/interviewed from the ground up and can share experience if you'd like (PM me)
Your home is a place to sleep, eat, and shit not a place to work. Disagree? You're not the person for me, enjoy being a broke ass.